Samsung Developer Conference (SDC) 2019 (October 29-30, 2019)

SmartThings services were shown off a bit. Hard to talk to these since Air and Energy don’t exist in the USA (that I know of. They may be hidden since I don’t own any Samsung appliances). Overall it’s a nifty way for Samsung to use the data that their appliances are generating in a way to provide benefit to the owner

Notice the App Store ratings…

Rules API presentations:

Adrian and Vlad used these Nanoleaf lights spelling Samsung to demo the Rules API.

Developing an automation Groovy smartapp vs SmartThings API vs Rules API

Benefits of the rules api. During the demo, Adrian showed the same automation in Groovy vs rules api and the speed increase was definitely noticeable.

Today and future path for the rules API.


7 posts were merged into an existing topic: User Metrics and Other Data

Here’s some slides from the UI presentation. Before you ask, no details on how to customize the UI plugin for hub connected devices. I even asked her after the presentation if that was coming, but she way strictly UI design, so no idea on implementation details for hub connected devices :disappointed:

Animate ALL the icons

Data tiles

Sliders sliders sliders

This is one of the best features of the new app IMO. Settings automations for the device directly on the device screen

Groups. The left slide for lights hopefully becomes reality. Currently light groups can only control on/off and brightness.

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The integration with SmartThings and bixby is appealing(maybe the only thing appealing of bixby?).

Galaxy minis everywhere, but not a single full size Galaxy Home

Features by voice assistant. As you can see, only bixby can create SmartThings automations by voice.

SmartThings automations can call bixby capsules as part of an automation.

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Ok, last bit. Works as a SmartThings Hub (WASH) program.

No surprise to most of us here, they’re really pushing sensors as the reason for needing a hub.

Now two options for a WASH product: embedded or a dongle. Here’s the new SmartThings Link Dongle. I know Vodafone will be using it, not sure if Nvidia will switch to it or not.

hardware requirements for a WASH product. Note that the ST hub piece is on a separate container so that in theory it can be updated separately from the host device and be kept up to date.

Here’s the initial new WASH devices from Calix and Vodafone. The Calix Gigaspire has embedded radios.


Create stickiness? Seems like an odd choice of words.


Thanks for all of the info.

Not at all, the slide obviously had the input of some marketing scholars :slight_smile:

Another platform initiative that was already being officially talked about (in Session) at SDC’s 2 (or even 3) years ago, and which already manifested itself in the NVIDIA Shield and ADT Security Hub products.

So the only consumer facing news here is that there are a “few” additional actual partners implementing it (without mentioning that ADT abandoned their implementation).

The Hub is such a critical piece of the infrastructure, I’m not sure if consumers actually get practical benefit from WASH. Sure - it’s one less device to plug in, and a small cost savings, but a boatload of additional support issues, inconsistent firmware, etc… (My Samsung SmartThings WiFi system already receives firmware updates significantly later than standalone Hubs!).

As an idea - WASH is great. Reality may be different. The time spent since the initial discussions probably ironed out some concerns.


One of the WASH guys mentioned that they’ll be able push patches for just the WASH part of the device on some of the newer integrations. He likened it to a containerized infrastructure where you could update just one container without having to update everything else (eg. update the WASH part without updating the whole device firmware).

A very similar to approach to what they are using with the Samsung SmartThings Wifi.

It kind of reminded me of how Google learned this lesson with Android. They started breaking out key parts of Android so they could push smaller patches to critical components rather than having to wait for major OS patches.


Aren’t you confusing SDC with CES :slight_smile: or did you mean the only “developer” facing news… in which case you missed a few LOL

Was anything mentioned at the conference regarding Z Wave S2 security? I know they’ve been working towards that but I haven’t heard anything in a few months.

Nothing was mentioned. Maybe @Kianoosh_Karami has an update?

Yeah, so at the moment, our hubs are going through Z-Wave certification, we are hoping to have that completed as soon as possible, and after that we would then have to coordinate the release of the mobile app release and the firmware.

I may sound like a broken record, but the great aspect of Z-Wave is that they really focus on interoperability, so when we do release Z-Wave S2, we are going to interoperable with all Z-Wave S2 devices and other devices.


Thanks for the update Kianoosh!

Just to be clear, though, “interoperable” does not mean “support all features of all zwave commandsets,” right? It’s just interoperating at the Basic level (which is all that protocol certification requires for most device classes).

We’ve already discussed a couple of commands in the forums that are not going to be supported in the future.

Or has that changed?

Sorry JDRoberts, What do you mean by

We’ve already discussed a couple of commands in the forums that are not going to be supported in the future.

See, for example,

Unless I’m misunderstanding what Jody meant, and he was just saying that it wouldn’t be available as part of the official features, not that the commandset itself would not be supported. :thinking:

@Kianoosh_Karami what @JDRoberts is referencing is that there are some ZWave command classes that we do not have capabilities for. Specifically 4.113.3 User Code Get Command. While we do technically have a way to send any custom command we do not have a capability or official API support for it.


Recordings of the sessions are starting to get posted to YouTube

SmartThings Device SDK: MQTT

Scaling your business with SmartThings

Rules API


New app UI

IoT 2.0