RV Water Shutoff after Leak Detection

Hello all…newbie here to forum. Have good experience with Z-wave tech but having trouble figuring out how o make this work. I have a Class A motorhome that I have been living in for the better part of 6 months now and have added some things to help make it more like home. I have Z-wave water sensors in both the waste and Fresh water “cubbys” just in case a valve or hose connection lets go but I want to shut off the water supply automatically if sensors detect a leak. Obviously this is for fresh water side only and I already have the 12v shutoff valves, what is missing is a way to activate them. I guess I’m looking for a 12v controller of sorts. Any ideas?

This can probably be adapted to an RV

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You could try the Fibaro RGBW controller.
Although originally designed for use with leds you can use it to switch upto four 12-24v lines.
Not sure on the power draw of the shutoff valves so you might need use additional relays

I agree with @geotrouvetout67. The valve is working at 12VDC 1Amp so it’s an easy adaptation.

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Thanks guys…I’ll give it a try.

I have two of the Dome actuators in our home and, while not running on DC, I would say it’s a great unit. Maybe @krlaframboise can help on a DC adapter. He works for Dome and has been helpful on several other topics.

I wrote the official DTHs for Dome, but I don’t work for them. I’m not sure if it could safely be used with a DC adapter.

His RV is running on 12VDC. The 120VAC to 12VDC adapter is no longer required. I would get an automobile inline fuse and connect it to the RV12 volt supply. If you are worry about high battery charging voltage of the RV. You could get a DC to DC voltage converter like this one.

I appreciate the valuable info but all I am looking for is a way to open/ close the valve if water is detected by one of the Z-wave leak sensors. Just an “actuator” for the valve. I guess just something to take the incoming Z-wave trigger and convert it to a 12 volt on/ off signal for the valve. I have since found a 120 volt outlet in the “cubby” as well but I believe this could all be accomplished with batteries.

I would make sure all your connections, that you can see, are also secure. Make sure water pressure is not too high as well.

I’m using the LevelPro leak detection sensor device for a long time without any trouble and also the support team is very helpful. So you can check this device from Icon Process Controls website: https://iconprocon.com/product/ld-leak-detection-sensor/