I’m not a coder, so making the transition from webCoRE to the rules engine is a really big step. Is it possible that one of you smart people could put a front-end on the Rules Engine to provide a simple(r) to use UI for users to create their own automation with it?
You do realize you just asked someone to ‘just write’ something we’ve been asking for for nearly two years. This is an incredibly non-trivial ask, essentially what would have to be a code interpreter. In best case this ask would take multiple months and a team of people. It’s more likely a year or two to build properly.
There are other alternatives such as Sharptools if you want to stay ST native or you can also look at a solution like using node red through the ST api or drive ST automation through something like Homeassistant or Hubitat.
Yea, I know it is non-trivial. I know I’d be willing to pay for it.
To be fair, this is something Samsung should have created from the git go. If I am not mistaken they even hired the guy that wrote webcore. But instead they wanted to alienate their users