Rule Machine Feature Requests

This was answered over here a few days ago:

I see you are still using OSO’s device handler. Rules machine can’t read them because you’re using the wrong device handler to do what you want. With Kristopher Kubicki’s device handler… Yes, it is possible. With OSO’s device handler, no.

Until OSO changes their device handler the answer won’t change.

Figured as much; The official app would randomly trigger responses, even if a switch was never touched. We realized that either our house is haunted, or the double tap commands were unpredictable.

Thanks for the confirmation on that! :wink:

I have searched and haven’t seen this discussed yet…

What would be the implications of allowing multiple parent instances, where we could name each?

Many of us have many Rules and it would be great to allow multiple parent instances, if not only for organization…

I suspect that there could be limitations of Rule interactions that belong to different parents, but I’m OK with that, personally… Thoughts?

I think it would be ok to have an instance for each room. But I don’t think they could interact… Which would suck.

What would be the benefit? If this is about how your rules are organized in the mobile app, you should seriously find something better to apply energy to.

Also… For adjusting dimmers with a minimote, I’ve been using the Adjust Fan to cycle through preset levels, even for lights… but, ideally, would love to be able to have a slightly different option available… either Low/Med/High (33%, 66%, 99%) or more ideally, would be a field where we could provide a comma delimited list of custom levels that are cycled through… the biggest challenge with the Adjust Fan option now is that it cycles through the Off level, which gets confusing for the family… thanks for consideration…

So, yes, it is about organization in the mobile app… i frequently find myself scrolling back and forth to figure out what I named a rule to make an adjustment… biggest issue is that I have 5 minimotes with about 8 rules for each and the rest of my rules are interspersed…

from what I understand, the option to allow multiple parents is a fairly simple definition in the parent… +adding a field to name the Parent…

honestly, I can apply my energy to searching my Rules each time, but thought this might help others as well… I’ll be fine either way…

thanks for all of your work here Bruce!

This falls on deaf ears, I’m afraid. I have 82 rules and have no difficulty at all finding what I want. For that matter, I have virtually no need to revisit any those 82 rules after they were setup.

I can’t picture SmartThings doing this for Smart Lighting, can you? It’s exactly the same situation. If I used Smart Lighting instead of Rule Machine, I’d have more like 200+ automations (which is why I don’t use Smart Lighting).

Fair enough… I appreciate the conversation and consideration…

You can do this now with Adjust dimmer. For example, using a conditional trigger:

Trigger event: button press
Condition: dimmer level <= 66
Action for True: Adjust dimmers +33
Action for False: set dimmers to 33

That would cycle 33, 66, 99, 33, etc… You could use 25 instead, and have 4 values, etc, etc.

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Awesome… I always suspect that I am limited by my own creativity… thanks for the advice!

Many have suggested using specific naming conventions to sort their rules. I believe @bamarayne is one of them.

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Yeah, I using a naming procedure in mine that works really well for me.

I’ve also thought about the multiple instances as well. I would use that asking with my naming procedure.

I would have thing like one for the kitchen, one for the garage, one for the bathrooms. That kinds of thing. I would use multiple instances for areas of the house that do not interact.

While it would have its benefits, it’s also imposes a limitation on the rule engine itself. Which completely undermines the power and flexibility of the engine.

What benefit??? How the mobile app SmartApps are organized?? That’s not a benefit, that’s nonsense.

That is true, from a power user point of view.

But, from a common out of the box user point of view, it’s more user friendly.

Having rooms is more intuitive than a single list.

Imagine if the ST so did not have rooms and we only used the list of devices. Having to scroll through a hundred devices to find what was wanted. It would be frustrating and not friendly.

That’s the only benefit I can think of.

I strongly disagree! Out of the box users don’t need more complexity, there is plenty of that already.

Again, I point to the experience with Smart Lighting. When it was first introduced, you could have multiple instances of it. What a mess!! People (out of the box types) were totally confused. They’d create an automation, but couldn’t find it. Then when they went to see the list of SmartApps, there were multiple instances of Smart Lighting and they had no idea how they got there, or what they meant.

So, to fix that, ST put in the single instance parameter in the parent SmartApp definition. Presto, all of the confusion went away. Have you seen anyone posting complaining about that? Or anyone saying they need a better way to organize their Smart Lighting automations? No and no.

Multiple instances is a bad idea, not a good idea. It won’t happen. Please drop the topic!!

I wasn’t referring to multiple instances of the app, Just naming conventions for the rules themselves.

Smart lighting didn’t use the multiple instances in the same setup way that these guys are saying. I’m not necessarily advocating for it, but it is an Interesting thought to be able to categorize rules via room. I also believe that it would be more user friendly, but I don’t know that it’s necessary either beings there is the pretty easy workaround of renaming the rule in a personalized convention.

That is a very good point and I agree. That was a catastrophe.

Now, if the user could rename the parent app for each install then I could see a use. But 25 installs of Rule Machine would drive me nuts! .lol

They are already there in device details for every device in every room. Forget the name of the rule that turns off the bathroom fan? How about looking at the bathroom fan device details?


That’s usually the way I do it when I need a specific rule. I only go in the app ago when I have to… And with the failure to load apps problem, that’s not that often