Rule machine - as per the app developer, this app is no longer available for new installs, distribution, or support

I seem to be having trouble with the delay these actions (with or without cancel). If I make a rule, it works as expected. However, the wife will come and say she needs more or less time before the lights turn off.

My trouble comes with editing the rule after I have already saved it and had it running. I can edit all fields such as conditions, rules, triggers, etc. However, whenever I try to change the value of the delay it does one of three things. In most cases, if the number was 3 minutes and now I type 5 it just changes it back to 3 when I hit done. That happens the most often. The other two outcomes are that I get the red banner error that says ā€œerror saving pageā€ or I get ā€œfailed to save page: delayFalsePageā€.

The only way to change the time is to delete that rule and start all over, which isnā€™t the most optimal solution when the rule has many conditions. I had this problem before my problems/rebuild and now after so Iā€™m wondering if there might be something coding wise?

Iā€™m using Version 1.6.6/1.6.13b

Here are some screen shots of the errorsā€¦

Thanks in advance for looking at it. Great app!

Not much you can do, other than clicking done and going back to click done again. Most of the times works for me but is a royal pain. @jody.albritton said he is tracking these issues see thread below. Letā€™s hope a fix will come soon. There isnā€™t a way to code around it, that I know of.

Thanks, I hadnā€™t seen that thread yet. Iā€™ve tried the done/done and going back multiple times, no luck but its more of an inconvenience than anything else.

I have an issue with saving 1 rule.

Its just a rule to turn on my water heater at 5am. I edited the other day to roll it down from 6a to 5a. Now when I go to click done and save it. It throws the red bar about an error has occurred and in the logs there is this

 error java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException @ line 1088

Not sure what this is upset about. Thank you all in advance for your help with this.

Need to start over. I didnā€™t find a way to get rid of that error other than recreating a new ruleā€¦is a scheduler issue, outside our controlā€¦

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Rule Machine Rules! Having a blast setting things up, and need to order some more devices.:grinning:

Situation: Iā€™ve started with controlling the furnace, Turn up the heat in the morning and down at night. Also turn down when everyone leave and up when someone comes how. But Iā€™ve got a couple rules now where I put in the temperature I want on the thermostat. I hate hard coding anything that is in multiple locations like heat temp setting. Thought I could define a rule to just set the temp on the thermostat to 70, just execute it from another rule, but couldnā€™t find that ability.

  1. Is there a way to define my thermostat settings in one placeā€¦ and just execute that rule when people arrive or mode changes? Of course arrival would also trigger Garage Door and lights, etcā€¦
  2. If the above isnā€™t possible can rule Machine use variables? Maybe define key-value pairs that can be plugged into things like thermostat heat value, dimmer Level, illuminamce, certain time.
  3. now that I mentioned timeā€¦ can sunrise and sunset times be pulled in?

And it looks like you need to submit a support ticket to delete the old rule. I have one like this, and @slagle mentioned thatā€™s the only way to get it removed.

Not so, go into ide, location, click on Smartapps link, then edit (top corner). Then go to your rule and click link to uninstal.

Trust me, that is throwing an undeclaredThrowable for meā€¦ :frowning: Iā€™ve tried that at least a dozen timesā€¦ something got seriously wedged right before the upgrade.

Iā€™ve created a duplicate rule (named differently) thatā€™s worked just fine since the upgrade. It could be just a one-off in my case.

Yes, you should be able to create a rule with no triggers or conditions and just actions which would be your tstat adjustments. Then you can have any other rule process with the Evaluate these rules action and select that first rule.

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Oh wow, I am sorry, thatā€™s annoyingā€¦

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You can also use routines to store global actions that you want to reuse in multiple places. I do this specifically for thermostat and mode settings.

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Ahhā€¦Right! ā€¦ Iā€™ll try routines without timesā€¦ manually they seemed to always work. When I had good morning setup to kick on the heat at 5:45AMā€¦ It worked for a while, then stopped. Admittedly after a weekend when I added devices and other smart appsā€¦ but even backing things out I wasnā€™t able to get it working again. itā€™s OK though Rule machine is allowing me to do a whole lot more. thanks for the tip.

  1. As pointed out by @sgoncalves, the ability to link rules is definitely one of the powerful aspects of RM and eliminates the need to duplicate the same logic in two (or more) rules. A rule with no triggers never runs on its own, and if it has no conditions is always true, soā€¦
  2. With respect to ā€œvariablesā€, you can use virtual switches in this way; say, one for ā€œWarmā€ and one for ā€œCoolā€. Iā€™ve got virtual switches that track the house modes (e.g., Morning Mode, Day Mode, Evening Mode, Night Mode), so I can trigger thermostat changes on those.
  3. And yes, sunrise and sunset can be pulled into triggers and rules (and maybe actions, too, I canā€™t recall). When you select ā€œcertain timeā€ youā€™ll get those two as options.

Yeah I ended up creating a new rule which mimics the old one. Iā€™ll just detach the old one from everything and leave it be. Thank you both @guywmartin and @SBDOBRESCU for your help with this.


Just thought of a different way to get rid of your damaged rule. Have you tried to delete it from the installed apps? That might workā€¦

Yeah, thatā€™s where I was tryingā€¦ not sure how that was different than your first suggestion though?

Iā€™ve only ever seen rules able to be deleted from within RM itself, or from listing the installed SmartApps from the My Location tab.

My first suggestion was the uninstal option going through location screen, then smart apps then edit and then you get an option to uninstall. The screen looks like this:

The second suggestion was the delete option from installed smart apps list (you land there by following the above link). The screen looks like the shot below, where you click on the rule and at the bottom you have a button to delete the rule.

I have had the issue with not being able to uninstall a SmartApp in the past were neither option mentioned by @SBDOBRESCU had an ā€œUninstallā€ method, so I found the device under ā€œMy Devicesā€, clicked on the SmartApp listed under ā€œIn Use Byā€ and was able to ā€œDeleteā€ it from there:

Strange, but it worked.

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When there is a will, there is a way! :smile: