Robomower Integration

I have not seen anyone mention this but Robomower integration would be really cool. I know that their models manufactured from 2014 and beyond have a mobile app for control but having that ability within the ST architecture would be really cool.

Looks like it uses Bluetooth which is not natively supported by SmartThings. I understand hub II is supposed to support Bluetooth but sounds like this is a ways down the road.

Otherwise, you would have to create some Bluetooth bridge between SmartThings and Robomower assuming Robomower exposed their API.

Seems to be a logistic challenge for Robomower to communicate. Seems they need a hub or something that stays in place to communicate with it and the Internet. I have my yard blanketed with a meshed WiFi but I think this is impractical for most.

Interesting possibilities.

I can confirm the RoboMow uses Bluetooth. The range isn’t very good either (connecting with the smartphone app). I considered playing with a Cassia Hub Bluetooth Router to see if I could connect via WiFi and then make available via a VPN on my cellphone to my local network. SmartThings integration would be a much more streamlined approach. For now, I’m holding my phone out from my porch to connect to it :slight_smile: