I’m please to be releasing some code written to integrate the SSR-302 boiler actuator. It’s a simple Z-Wave 2 switch relay that can be used to control Central Heating and Hot Water.
Running alongside the device handler is a smart app that passes temperature and humidity values into the handler, allowing it to act as a thermostat.
Any feedback is welcome, and if you need a hand getting it working, let me know.
@RStokes I just purchased the SSR302 from Vesternet, as they pointed me at your device handler. Now I have it installed, replacing a Danfoss wall programmer. I didn’t change any wiring, just attached the SSR302 directly onto the existing wall plate. It looks like the ch1 is controlling my central heating, rather than the HW indicated in the app. I don’t really want to change the wiring, so am I right in thinking I just need to swap each mention of switch1 with switch2 in the device handler?
@RStokes sorry, another question on the SSR302 device handler. in the device i can turn on/off both HW and CH (even if they are wrong way around for me). but how to control just the HW outside of the app, e.g as part of a timed switch so the HW is heated in the tank when I need it? The device only appears as a single thing in other apps, without individual control on the channel 1 (or 2)switch
I appreciate this is quite an old DH, i don’t suppose there is an updated version or an alternative as i have just fired this up and it seem to crash the SM app immediately with this handler.
@RStokes, I have just purchased the Secure SSR-302 devise and installed both the device handler and smart app but Smart Things app crashes as soon as I select the device. Do you have it successfully working on your system?? Any advise would be appreciated.
I’ve updated the handler and app to add some additional functionality based on my own usage. Mainly to allow other apps to control setpoint values and ensure received temperature values are evaluated against that setpoint, rather than controlling only in the app.
I also added an optional humidity sensor to the app as my temperature sensor doesn’t send that value, but I have another sensor in the house that does.
I’m really not a developer, but was able to work out the changes to the code from other examples published.
Hi Turbozmr2
Thanks for updating the handler and app in your post above.
Im trying to get the handler to run but its coming up with a bunch of debugging errors. I was wondering if the file you posted above worked for you? I noticed there were a couple extra lines in it, possible copy/paste playing silly buggers?
(The smartapp update seems to work fine thanks.)
Hi again Richard,
Just noticed that I had the same 2x issues as you above. 1) CH and HW were switched around in the original DH by RStokes, and 2) I want to control the HW (and CH) separately from other apps/with timers etc. Did you ever resolve these two issues? (apologies if they are in the updated DH file you published below, as mentioned I could not get that to run because of several debugging errors)
I can’t quite remember how I managed to get the HW control separated, but involved setting the device type to the fibaro dual relay, but now i have the “HW device” as a simulated switch in IDE.
The “CH switch” device type uses the Secure SSR device handler, and with the updated configuration to take an external temp sensor, it can now be seen as a thermostat device in other apps. So I use CoRE to control the CH switch on/off based on living room temperature, time of day, presence, and different heating setpoints as necessary.
See how you get on with the updated code and let me know if I can help further.
Thanks Richard,
The updated code works great, its switched around the CH and HW to the correct channels, and now the Smart app and DEvice handler (Secure SSR-302) works fine
However I cant figure out how to seperate ‘Switch 2’ (ie the HW switch) from the SSR-302 device? Ideally I want this as a separate switch so I can control it on timer and/or presence.
I tried making the device (SSR-302 device) a fibaro dual relay, and using the Smartapp ‘Multi-channel control’ to try separate the two switches. This does provide me a Endpoint 2 device (ie Switch 2 or HW switch) but this does not seem to work as a switch in any apps, even if I make it a Simulated Switch in the IDE
After this I returned the multichannel device back to the Secure SSR-302 device handler to make the CH and thermostat work. However the separated out HW device doesnt seem have any data associated with it, ie it doesn’t switch or control anything?
Apologies if I am missing something obvious, I am relatively new to ST, but am trying to pick it up.
Again thanks for your help
Glad the code is working
Have you started using CoRE app yet? It’s the most customisable way of controlling anything through smartthings. Almost no other smartthings apps are needed if you get into the very detailed logic.
But I know that it can control the second switch (HW) via the actions on the CH thermostat device. i.e. you could create a CoRE piston that between 7am-9am, turn on HW [action], on the CH device.
I would do it that way if i was going from scratch. But - and i’m widly remembering here - i set my device type to the fibaro dual relay, created a virtual switch device (called HW Control), then used this app to split the HW switch from the dual relay onto the HW virtual switch.
after applying the correct devices inside the app you end up with a HW switch that you can then control in other apps as usual.
Hope that is clear enough. give a look at CoRE first - it’s worth it for the customization
The device will enter failsafe if not paired with a Secure Stat and turn off after 45-60 minutes? Is this happening to people?
Fail Safe Mode
The Secure 2-Channel Receiver includes a Fail Safe mode that prevents the receiver staying ON if it loses contact with the Secure Thermostat. The receiver can only enter Fail Safe mode when the receiver’s channel is On - it does not get activated when the channel is OFF.
In normal operation the Secure Thermostat sends a signal to the receiver’s channel that it is associated with every 45-50 minutes. If the receiver channel does not receive this signal, the receiver will go into Fail Safe mode after 60 minutes.
If you are using the receiver without a thermostat, such as for hot water control, then you need to be aware of this Fail Safe mode.
For instance, if you turn on one of the receiver channels via a Scene, the receiver will enter Fail Safe mode after 60 minutes.
I didn’t come across that problem yet. But as I read the same before I installed, I setup the smartapp ‘Pollster’ that allows you to set a schedule for any device on your smartthings hub to be reguarly polled. I do my SSR-302 every 40 minutes.
No thermostat. Just the SSR-302, using my customised device handler and app (see earlier posts) with a separate temperature and humidity sensor controlling the switch on/off, with CoRE pistons to control the heating setpoints during the day/night/away.
So is the SSR-302 every on for more than 45 minutes at a go? I’m curious to know it does go failsafe? I’ve got one on order and I’m just wondering if its going to act in the same way as the SSR-303.
my 302 only turns the CH heating on/off depending on the external temp sensor being below temperature. pollster ‘pings’ it every 40 mins. i’ve never seen it go into failsafe mode. if it were warmer, i would experiment a bit more, but the wife won’t be happy if the heating is broken
Hi I have an SSR302 to control my boiler & a SRT321 thermostat to control the SSR302 which I think I have sussed out getting the heating to work. I can not work out how to control the hot water independently of heating. I can only get hot water to work when heating is on.
Is there any way to separate the hot water relay to control that with a timer app ??
Further observation in relation to failsafe on the Secure actuators.
I’ve just got my hands on an SSR302. I’m using the Fibaro dual relay DTH for some testing. All is working fine and the unit does not enter failsafe after 45+ minutes contrary to what thee docs say. During my testing it stated on for in excess of 8 hours. For the record its not paired with a stat and directly connected to ST which may well have something to do with it. All good then. The unit can effectively be used as a relay to power two separate uses. Good stuff.
The SSR303 however is a slightly different beast. I’ve got 3 of these connected to a central heating zone in the house, they work well when paired with a stat (SRT321) and I have use a community developed DTH to change the set point which in turn switches the actuator (I can’t fault these, if you want a cheap stat option).
The issue arises when you pair the SSR303 actuator directly with ST. If you turn it on and leave it on for 45+ mins then it enters failsafe and turns off (as documented). My use case requires that its on for 3 hours a couple of times a day, I’ve tried pollster but the thing just won’'t stay on when switched on for more than 45-60 minutes. Shame.
I’m pretty sure that the SSR302 is a slightly different implementation to the SSR303 (there I go stating the obvious again). This is probably due to the fact the SSR302 is treated as a Z-Wave switch and the SSR303 as a thermostat.
Either way, thought I’d feedback. At the moment I’m using CoRE to turn it off/on if its been on for longer than 45 mintutes which seems to work. Not ideal.