[RELEASE] Amcrest IPM-721 & IP2M-841 LIVE Video/PTZ/Night Vision/Motion/Video Record/+More IP Camera DTH

Here is another website which has REST API support to get IP from hostname
Invoking this URL


gives the output as below

        "value" : "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx",
        "ttl" : 0,
        "name" : "abcd.domain.com",
        "type" : "A"

The updated method to convert host name to Ip would be as below

private String convertHostnameToIPAddress(hostname) { 
    def params = [
                  uri: "https://dns-api.org/A/" + hostname
    def retVal = null
    try {
        retVal = httpGet(params) { response ->
                    doDebug("convertHostnameToIPAddress -> Request was successful, data = $response.data, status=$response.status")
                    for(result in response.data) {
                        if (result.name == hostname) {
                                return result.value
    catch (Exception e) {
        log.warn "Unable to convert hostname to IP Address, Error: $e"
    return retVal

Hope this helps