Thank you Eric! I applied an offset but the “configure” button is staying with an orange dot on the button. I guess I’ll just wait and see if that goes away. The offset did not affect the reading on the thermostat either.
The orange dot doesn’t seem to be going away so I guess I’m stuck again until you can assist.
Next thing I’m struggling with is the automation you recommended. I set an automation for the Good Night button to automatically turn on the Thermostat AC at 7pm but it didn’t do anything… I guess I’ll keep trying since this is all new to me
Hi Eric,
I was just wondering if it’s a big trouble to enable the thermostat offset which doesn’t appear to be working for me. I think you mentioned another update coming?
So I loaded the revised device handler and after entering a calibration
offset, I see no change in the reading. I completely deleted the
thermostat from my hub and then re-added it to see if that would help but
still no change. I’m new to this stuff so maybe something else should be
done to get it to take? I notice the “configure” button does turn orange
when I put the offset in but it never seems to go away indicating it’s not
Not sure if you can help or not, but I thought I’d try.
If the other functions of the thermostat are working, try hitting the “configure” button a few times to see if the setting will take. If not, watch the logs as you hit the “configure” button and post them.
HI Eric,
Hitting the configure button for a while doesn’t seem to do anything. It
still has the orange dot on the button. Here is the log after I hit the
configure button once.
Sorry for the late response. I had forgotten about this thread and just saw it buried in my inbox. So the handler is doing what it is supposed to. It is sending the parameter value:
5:10:44 PM: debug Parameter 5 will be updated to 704642304
the response shows the thermostat did not set the parameter:
5:10:46 PM: debug Smart Thermostat parameter ‘5’ with a byte
size of ‘4’ is set to '704643072’
I’ve converted back the value you are trying and it seems to be -3 (which is -.03). Can you try something larger as a test? I won’t have this thermostat with me for a few weeks so I can’t test it personally right now. Perhaps try -10.
Next time you post the logs, I only need the two lines shown above.
Hi Eric. No problem. I appreciate your help. I have tried - 10 a while
back and didn’t notice a difference. Are you saying that there’s a decimal
error? Maybe I should try - 30? I’ll try and report back.
Do you have an experience with this T2000 and using a Dual Fuel Heat Pump or other dual fuel system? Specifically, my HVAC vendor tells me that the thermostat needs to get external temperature data to effect the switch over from electric to propane in my scenario. The T-stat has modes in it for Dual Fuel, but it does not have a wired input for external temp. I have been told that ADC gets that data from the internet by zip code and inputs that to the T-Stat. I am assuming that it is not truly sending data to the T-stat, but instead uses a rule in their UI to tell the system to use Primary Heat Source until set point X and then switch to Secondary Heat Source. I currently do not have a SmartThings Hub, but your thread is the first thing that I have found out there where I could possibly use something other than ADC’s service (which I don’t have either.)
I wouldn’t think that that would make a difference. I should have my thermostat back next week so I can run some tests on it.
@dwcindc I don’t have any experience with a dual fuel system. It is likely that with some coding work a handler/smartapp combo could be created to get the external temperature and set the mode on the thermostat, but I don’t think SmartThings could do it natively.
I bought a SmartThings and got my ADC-T2000s running on it last night using your handler! I can switch their configs now between Fossil and Electric.
Like you said it is now a matter of tracking down code to change those settings based on external temp. I have already added the AccuWeather data into the system. There are already codes to change other settings based on external temp.
I am not really a coder but I understand the basics. Any other suggestions you can make on how to find code would be most appreciated.
I just installed this kind of thermostat ADC T2000 and use the application on my iPad. So far it works fine except if I want the fan to be on all the time it does not work even if I set it to recirculate. If I want it to work, I need to set it to 24 hrs and reset it after the timer is off. Any way to fix that?
Thanks for the work on this! Works it good but I did come across something. If the thermostat is set to auto cool/heat changing the temp in smartthings doesn’t do anything. It changes in smartthings but the thermostat stays whether it was. Changing to cool or heat will allow it to change.
Eric, I have smartthings and previously had w/ the adc t2000 smart thermostat. Trying to get it z-waved or wifi into the smartthings hub but hzving trouble. Any suggestions?