Sorry for my noob question and especially for any terms I have misused.
I’m looking to control a low voltage momentary dry switch on an old wired remote control. Pushing the momentary switch turns a motor on and releasing it stops the motor.
There are only two low-voltage wires connected to the old momentary switch, and I verified that if I manually touch them together, the motor activates and likewise separating them stops the motor.
Basically I just need some sort of SmartThings controllable switch that will close/open the circuit when a button is pressed in SmartThings app.
Looking for recommendations from those who know about such things or have implemented something similar. Thanks so much!
Thanks for recommending the MultiRelay @JDRoberts! @jparchem you’ll need to install a custom handler to use the MultiRelay and once it’s installed and the device is added, change the switch type to Garage Door Mode so the z-wave device in your app can behave like a momentary relay as well (it will turn off by itself after being on for 2 seconds anytime you activate it). Feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions!
Thanks @TheSmartestHouse and @JDRoberts. Based on your recommendation I went with the Zooz Zen16 MultiRelay and installed it last night. It worked perfectly! Thank you both again.