I’m looking for recommendations for a glass break sensor (detects by sound), and an outdoor sensor for monitoring temperature, humidity, etc, so basically a z-wave style weather station I could tie into SmartThings. Does anything have any recommendations?
Also a z-wave/smartthings compatible air quality monitor would be fantastic.
I think most people who want outdoor weather monitoring get an outdoor weather monitoring device, either bloomsky or netatmo. Both of these can be integrated with smartThings and you find discussion of both in the forums.
The Aeotec multisensor has a case which is rated for outdoor use, and I think is the only general multisensor that does. It can be used for humidity, lux, and temperature. (The manufacturer recommends disabling the motion sensor feature as it gets too many false positives outdoors.) but I don’t think it’s as accurate as the actual weather sensors.
As far as Glassbreak acoustic sensors, some community members are using the Utilitech one. Use the quick browse list in the community-created wiki and look under security devices.
Netatmo also has an indoor module that measures air quality.
It looks like their definition of ‘air quality’ is just CO2 levels only, which honestly isn’t much. Sorry, not meaning to sound negative to you, just hoping there was something that measures more than just that.
I’d wait to order until they’re actually shipping, but the Koto sensors may be pretty good. Their previous generation, cube, was expensive but measured a lot of things that other sensors didn’t. If they actually released with IFTTT integration, then you could have indirect integration with SmartThings that way. But again, I wouldn’t order these until they’re actually available from Amazon.
The Elgato Eve sensors are available now, but there’s no integration with SmartThings.
Anyway, anything you can find that has an IFTTT channel will give you indirect SmartThings integration, but I’m not sure exactly what’s available.
Sorry I don’t know of a better answer on this one. Maybe someone else will.
Thank you very much for taking the time to help. It really is very much appreciated!