I was asking myself if there is anyway to upper the rate limit on the API during the developpment phase.
I’ve hit many time this afternoon the Rate limit
40 requests every 15 minutes Creating subscriptions
This is very low as I’m creating each time 10 devices subscriptions, so I hit the limit every 4 test, and take a penality of 15mn before be able to test agains !
I’ve only worked with Webhook SmartApps. With those you can create multiple instances of the SmartApp, each of which counts as a separate ‘installed app’. Is that sort of approach not an option?
Yes, it the same on my side.
But as creation of smartapp installed app was working right, i was using the same smartapp installation each time to do the test. Of course, I can delete it, and recreate it to overcome the limitation
Hi, @lo92fr
Are you creating a subscription per device? Perhaps, to reduce the number of subscriptions you create, you could use a “capability” subscription instead. This way, you’ll get events of that capability from any device in the location.