I am struggling to find a way to monitor the 1 wire temp sensors I have connected to my raspberry Pi. I have webiopi installed and I can sense contact status and operate relays, but I cannot seem to get temperatures to update. I am using a Webiopi smartthing app to manipulate the relays and sensors. Any help would be much appreciated!
Is there are reason you’ve chosen a Raspberry Pi as your platform?
If you’re platform decision is flexible, you could have temperature sensors, relays, etc… up and running very quickly using my ST_Anything project on a NodeMCU ESP8266 platform.
Alas I have several I am using now. To change would be expensive. Thanks
I completely understand wanting to stick with what you’re familiar with, especially if you’ve already bought them.
However, $6.50 per NodeMCU ESP8266 board seems pretty inexpensive to me. You should pick up one or two just to give them a try. They are incredibly simple, as they do not have an operating system to worry about. Each platform has its pros and cons, of course.
Good luck with the Raspberry Pi. My son has been doing more and more with the Linux/Raspian platform and SmartThings to make it much simpler to get up and running. Not sure when that will be ready for release though…
Hmmm, tell me more. Here is what I have.
A RaspPi3 I have 2 8 relay boards and several 1 wire temp sensors. I need to be able to open/close garage doors with a magnetic switch on each. I just this afternoon am setting up a solar/Filter valve motor to operate it. With your system what would I need? Just the one of the EP8266 boards? What kind of power, mounting conections, etc… Is your ST_Anything open source or for sale?
It’s all open source, readily available from my GitHub repo.
You have multiple micro controller options available with ST_Anything. The most reliable are:
- Anything ESP8266 based (WiFi), like the NodeMCU board linked above. However, it has some GPIO limitations to be aware of (check the ReadMe in my GitHub)
- Arduino MEGA 2560 + W5100/W5500 Ethernet shield. Tons of I/O, requires a Cat5 connection.
- ESP32 - Decent amount of I/O, onboard WiFi. Arduino IDE support is still maturing.
I run a Mega + W5500 combination to monitor/control two garage doors (magnetic sensors and relays), monitor motion in my garage, monitor temperature and humidity (DHT22), and monitor 4 other doors via magnetic sensors. Each of these devices is automatically created as child devices of a parent device (manually added to SmartThings). This means most users do not have to do any groovy programming.
My house was prewired for an alarm, so I already had most of the wiring in place.
My library has support for DS18B20 1-wire temperature sensors as well. Plus lots of other common devices (moisture sensor, luminance sensors, servo motors, RGB/RGBW LED strips, ultrasonic sensors, etc…)
If you’re a programmer, and would like to add support for more devices, we welcome the help.
You might have me sold on the Mega. What is the +500?
Typo… Should have been W5500 shield. The 5500 is usually quite a bit more than the 5100 shield as it is much newer. I chose to deploy the 5500 simply because I wanted to see how reliable it was. So far, it has been rock solid on my network. The 5100 shield has also been very reliable. Clones of the 5100 are plentiful, but be sure to try to get a decent one. Not sure if anyone has started selling clones of the 5500 shield yet.
Looks like Arduino.cc has discontinued the Ethernet 2 Shield (W5500), but there are clones of it nowadays. Plenty of W5100 shields are available.
Ok You hooked me Just ordered https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00N1SWEE8/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Let the fun begin this weekend
Well with raspberry pi also you can just use this raspberry pi I2C shield and interface SHT31 as temperature and humidity sensor https://store.ncd.io/product/sht31-humidity-and-temperature-sensor-±2rh-±0-3c-i2c-mini-module/ which might complete your requirements and code is available on Github also