Am I blind, or is there no condition for when a bulb is a certain color? I could have sworn I had used that condition before in the past but now I’m not seeing it. I feel like I’m asking an obvious or stupid question. Maybe I’m still waking up.
Try asking in the following thread:
I’m creating this thread as a place to find assistance in programming the logic of the Rule Machine App. @bravenel - I see you doing a lot of updates every day and posting them in the [Release] thread, I figure this will help to keep it clean and not get hijacked… as much…
I’ll start!
I’ve set up some rules for my front porch lights. I haven’t figured out how to do with any less than “4” separate rules. I’d like to simplify this as much as possible.
What I want:
Lights come on 20 minutes prior to sunset, go off at 11 pm, and be set to 30%
When either my wife or I come home between sunset and 11pm, even if the other is already there, the lights go from 30% to 99% for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes they go back to 30%.
If it is after 11 pm and before sunrise, I want the lights t…
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