Quick Light Routine Question--turn off after x minutes?

Normally you would do this with the modes “home” and “away.” So you would set up your routines with one for Craig and one for Richelle, but you would tell each routine to only run in the appropriate mode and you would also have the routine change the mode as appropriate.

So you start out with both of you away and the mode is “away.”

Craig has and “I’m home” routine which only runs when the Mode is away.
Richelle has a similar routine.

Craig gets home first. Because the mode is “away”, his “I’m home” routine will run and do whatever it is supposed to. It would also change the mode to “home” meaning somebody is home.

Richhelle gets home second. Because now the mode is “home” her “I’m home” routine doesn’t run at all.

It may also be that you want to get more complicated, and have one routine for “I just got home but somebody else was already home,” so maybe it turns on the porch lights and unlocks the door, but it doesn’t do some other things.

It’s up to you. If you start getting a whole bunch of really complicated conditions, you might want to use web core instead of the official routines. Web core let you set up much more complicated rules.

Also check the setup wizard for the routine – – there used to be an option for “everybody leaves” which would check to see that multiple people had left. I can’t use the mobile app right now, so I don’t know if that has changed. But if it’s still there, that’s an easy way to keep from turning the lights off when one person leaves and another is still home.

I’m sorry, I’m not feeling very well today, so I’ll let other people help you with this going forward but at least that gives you a way to start thinking about it.

Also, the following might help, although the screenshots are going to be out of date:

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