I am thinking of getting some cree connected LED bulbs for a 3 bulb light fixture in my living room. The light fixture is currently controlled by two different switches in a 3 way circuit.
My question is if I install the smart bulbs, obviously i will ten be able to turn the bulbs on and off using smartthings, but if the bulb is off in smartthings and I turn it on with the wall switch will the bulb still turn on?
and similarly, if the wall switch is off and I turn the bulb on with smartthings, will the bulb turn on? I am guessing, no.
So what would be the easiest way to be able to control the bulbs both from the app and from the wall switch? Do I really need to get zwave wall switches instead of bulbs to make that happen?
are smart bulbs really better suited for lamps then for light fixtures controlled by a wall switch?
Yes, in my opinion, smart bulbs are just annoying with “dumb” switches. What happens is that when you switch it off, SmartThings has no ability to do anything, because the bulb has no power. SmartThings can only control the bulb when the switch is on. With the zwave/zigbee switches, they are always able to communicate with SmartThings.
I’d recommend getting in-walls switches if you want it to consistently work right. The connected bulbs (I’ve had fewer issues with Cree than GE) must always have power in order to communicate with the hub. That means if you turn off power at the wall, you lose connectivity.
If the bulb is off (via hub command and not via electrical interruption), you can easily turn it on at the wall by opening the electrical circuit (wall switch OFF) and then turning the wall switch back on.
yea that helps and it is kind of what I would have guessed but figured it was worth checking first. So i guess i will only use smartbulbs in lamps that will be controlled with ST only.
I do have some wireless bulbs in switched ceiling receptacles and it works well for walk-in closets, or hall lights with only one switch. Once you have multiple switches it will get a bit more confusing and less practical.