PS4-Waker-REST Device handler

I am attempting to write a device handler for a docker running ps4-waker-rest. Im using a template found elsewhere in the community to create the device but I am stuck. As of right now the switch I created will turn a ps4 on and off and show info in the logs but the smartthings device never shows status. If anyone could help I would appreciate it. Note I have no experience with groovy, so most of what I pieced together has been trial and error via logs.

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@chronostriker1 thanks for getting this started! I found this about a week or so ago and have been fiddling with it since. I took what you started with and with the help of another device handler I had installed (the mii connector device handler), I was able to get it working fully. Now it will turn on/off the ps4 as well as provide you status. I even added the functionality of starting up to 3 games :slight_smile:.

I did however, modify the ps4-waker-rest code so that when you switched from one game to another, it would do so smoothly and without any input. Give it a shot and let me know what you think!

Thanks for putting the work into this. I didn’t have time to work on it then I had at the time and I was just using it to lean more about REST. I tested it out and it works great. For my usage I only ever needed it to power on the system since I have a harmony hub which can do the rest but your added features work great.

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Thank you for the inspiration :slight_smile:! I’m glad it’s working out. I have a harmony as well and was frustrated it couldn’t power on the PS4 so that led me to this post. I know the harmony can turn off the PS4 but I still use this device handler for that because the harmony route may not work depending on which menu you are in. Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated :smiley: