Post Requests for Zigbee Edge Drivers Here (community-created)

Im also missing the Daikin Edge Driver, would be brilliant if someone could port it to Edge.

im looking for a driver for a smart meter. Smartmeter by (β€œgateway_model”:β€œsmartgateways_smartmeter_gateway_sweden_version-b”)
I know it works with HA and homey but it would be great to have it in my ST.
Here is i link to the device. Slimme meter wifi gateway -
I could not find a Fingerprint for it.

I’ll second this request.

@Mariano_Colmenarejo It’s possible to add this β€œZigbee Touch Switch 3 Gang”

manufacturer: _TZ3400_key8kk7r
model: TS0043

Thanks for all the help!

Is anyone talented at making an edge driver for daikin ductless?

Hi @Cesar_Novo

This switch does not work with my driver

Ask @erickv or @ygerlovin to add it to their drivers

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I’m looking for a better edge driver for my Third Reality leak sensor (zigbee). It was migrated to a default one that detects motion and shows the battery level, but when I first installed the device using the old driver technology, it also had the ability to turn the built in siren on and off and you could turn on the siren as an action in an automation as well. Shortly before Edge rolled out, that ability just disappeared (I’m guessing to make it easier to migrate to a standard leak sensor Edge driver). So, I’m looking for a driver to restore the original functionality, as it allowed me to trigger the siren if a leak was detected on a different sensor that doesn’t have a built in siren. Here is info from the website shows the CLI information:

And here is the info from ide, but not sure. if that is helpful since it is already migrated to Edge


I’ve only ever used a hub with Edge but I read of an app that in IDE/Groovy times gave in one place a reading of all battery states. Could it be possible to have a driver that groups all sensor battery states ( those on the same driver I suppose)?

On the Smartthings Favorite page you can click on the three dots in the upper right hand corner. Then click on show Status Information. Finally, click on to show status information.

This will provide a grouping in the top row of favorites with all open contact sensors, a grouping of all battery devices that are low on battery power and the current weather.

This might provide what you need.


Just got a sonoff extreme mini zbmini-l zigbee no neutral switch to experiment with.
Looks well made and is very small.
However when I connect to SmartThings it’s detected as a Zwave controller ? :thinking:
Anyone any ideas why? Or better yet have an edge driver for this?
It’s definitely a zigbee device the zb prefix of the device model confirms this.

The Zigbee Mini switches from Sonoff I have run with the Zigbee Switch Mc driver. Do you have this driver installed? Precisely I am on the point of ordering a couple of these…

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I do have that driver installed, but the zbminil2 extreme won’t usie that driver that when I do the pairing.

I already have 2 zbmins in use (larger non extreme , requires neutralversion) and they use the zigbee switch Mc driver fine.

Hi @Declankh

Added to this driver version

 Name         Zigbee Switch Mc
 Version      2023-01-30T22:17:40.02401519
    deviceLabel: SONOFF Switch
    manufacturer: SONOFF
    model: ZBMINIL2
    deviceProfileName: single-switch

Brilliant, I’ll test it again tomorrow.
Thanks very much.


Ah, very simple, I hadn’t seen that. Never had a low battery and so hadn’t triggered! Thanks

Thanks @Mariano_Colmenarejo
I have just checked this and verified your edge driver now works with the zbminil2 sonoff mini extreme (no neutral) switch


Dont believe what the low battery tile says to the letter, i have low battery states on various devices but they continue to work for months, battery reporting is very hit and miss

Unless it is mission critical i change batterys when the device finally dies



Could the following device be added to a Water leak driver?

Label Leak Family Bathroom Basin
Type Tuya Leak Sensor
Version Published
Zigbee Id A4C13810359DC8E4
Device Network Id 5481

application: 41
endpointId: 01
manufacturer: _TZ3000_ocjlo4ea
model: TS0207

Raw Description 01 0104 0402 01 04 0001 0003 0500 0000 02 0019 000A

This one is now done:

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Also searching for an edge drive for the GE tripper - If you are looking for an edge driver for the Go Control (Nortek) open close Z-Wave sensors use the one supplied here on by Corey Stup / I found the Z-Wave Masquerade V1.01 works great for the Go Control Open Close sensor.