Post Requests for Zigbee Edge Drivers Here (community-created)

Hi @Helder_Rodrigues

Other users have already asked for the same thing.
I don’t know how to make that driver for this device, sorry

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Thank you, I figured it would be more complicated than I was assuming.

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I use the Zigbee Range Extender of the beta channel from samsung. It recognized the extender, but I have no way of knowing if it actually works well or not.
Channel and Drivers Web UI

Did you ask it because you didn’t know it was there or because you already know it doesn’t work well and you would like a specific one?

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The ones I have is on the stock β€œZigbee Range Extender” DTH and they do the job as expected. Yes I didn’t know of the fingerprint already was added to the new stock edge driver, so I believe they will work as well after the transistion and I’m not part of beta program, so I have not tried any of the stock beta edge drivers

EDGE beta drives are available to everyone, just allow access to the hub and then select the desired drive, delete the extender in dh and search for it again, it will be inserted in edge. Try it, so you can tell me if it works.

The driver or DTH for a range extender does nothing that effects the range extender’s performance. If it’s part of your mesh then it should be doing its job, even if it only shows as a Thing in ST. If you have any that are currently on a DTH, I would just leave them be until ST automatically migrates them. Manually migrating them to Edge will disrupt your mesh while gaining you nothing.


TP-Link/LIFX driver invite for those interested:


Wow I was just coming to this thread to look at the github links to try and see how I can create a channel invite to the drivers, and you’ve done it. Haha thanks!

So I enrolled and installed the driver, did a scan, and instantly all my Kasa switches showed up - 3x HS200, 3x HS220, and 2x HS210. They function, though they’re surprisingly slow, particularly when controlled through the app. In routines they seem about the same speed as the cloud connection with TP-link (which I still have linked), although sometimes they take a noticeably longer time to respond (when interacted with multiple times in quick succession).

Anyway, I think it’s incredible that a) this is even possible and b) it worked so seamlessly right away.

App runs through cloud. That whybit is slower. In routines, if run locally, they work pretty fast.

Honeywell Home Wi-Fi Water Leak and Freeze Detector

(This would be awesome, wasn’t able to find this driver yet but if anyone has seen it and able to point me in the right direction)

Of course, I know that. I said they’re slow because they’re noticeably slower even compared the the Kasa cloud control THROUGH the SmartThings app.
So right now, App->ST Cloud->ST Hub->Device is slower than App->ST Cloud->TP Kasa Cloud->Device

Samsung Soundbar driver request.

I would like a driver for better control of Samsung soundbars. The native integration to the ST app only allows for On/Off and Volume control in Routines. I currently use a Smartapp to switch inputs if I press a button (Watch TV, for example, goes to HDMI1). I have it cobbled together now with URI Requestor and numerous routines but it’s not ideal. Samsung should have the ability to control at least the Input inside of Routines, with Sound modes being a nice ability also.

Request Nest Product Family edge drivers including Protect, Sensors, and Thermostat using undocumented API.

@yvesracine will not be converting his apps/drivers to Edge…


Thanks! Nice to finally be able to have LIFX automations run locally.

@koyfam how did you get ST to discover your bulbs?

Hi @Mariano_Colmenarejo

Can you create a driver for the following? Its recognized as a Zigbee Thing but unable to change driver.


I need two Tuya thermostats:

  1. This worked with the Tuya Thermostat DTH as it came.
  • zigbeeNodeType: ROUTER
  • application: 41
  • endpointId: 01
  • manufacturer: _TZE200_aoclfnxz
  • model: TS0601
  1. This one came with a temperature off by a factor of 10x, so I had to modify the above driver a bit. The problem was that the value was fed back to the new value an thereby quickly skyrocketed. I think I changed like four lines of code or so.
  • zigbeeNodeType: ROUTER
  • application: 41
  • endpointId: 01
  • manufacturer: _TZE200_aoclfnxz
  • model: TS0601

I really don’t have time to look into development of edge drivers right now, so any help would be great.

Hi @gmoscard

Added to this driver version

β”‚ Name        β”‚ Zigbee Moisture Sensor Mc            β”‚
β”‚ Version     β”‚ 2022-09-04T08:44:34.242845406        β”‚
  - id: "HEIMAN-EF-3.0"
    deviceLabel: HEIMAN Water Sensor
    manufacturer: HEIMAN
    model: WaterSensor-EF-3.0
    deviceProfileName: moisture-battery
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Looking for an edgedriver for IKEA symfonisk soundcontroller. Link to DTH smartthings/symfonisk-v0-10.groovy at master Β· jusa80/smartthings Β· GitHub

Zemismart Roller Shade Zigbee Converter