Pool Valve Actuator Controlling

I’m working on building up a system to control my pool water flow valves. Here’s a rough schematic of the idea:

I need help sourcing the best arduino & zwave shiled, the best relays, and the best 110 VAC to 24 VAC transformer.
The PE24VA by intermatic (http://amzn.to/2iv1vac) calls for a 24 VAC, 100VA! line. I found some doorbell transformers that I thought would work, but it turns out they’re only 20VA. For the relays, I think I need 4 SPDT relays, obviously rated to 24VAC 100VA. Here’s what I was thinking: http://amzn.to/2j0uMqA for the relays. Okay… Your thoughts?!?

What kind of valves do you have right now? Are you replacing them with new actuator valves? I would look up the manufacturer of those valves first. Sometime they do carry add on actuator for the valve and it would be easier and cheaper to deal with. Also they will probably have the correct power supply as well.

Thanks! This was a better response than I could have even hoped for. In my crude drawing, there was a black, yellow, and orange wire going to each relay. I’m updating it now to have better colors. I’m still trying to see if there’s a cheaper way than buying 4 110v z-wave switches and 4 relays. Also, as to using a DPDT relay for controlling in/out of spa/pool together… Most of the time I want water drawn from the pool and circulated to the spa, as it has a water feature between the two. Only during heating do I want the water drawn from and delivered to the spa.
Edit to add: Still looking for a good source for 120v to 24v AC transformer if anybody has a good idea.

I’m so sorry for the delay, I’ve been concentrating on other projects since I started dreaming up this one. The water is uni-directional (spa sits higher than pool, water only flows down from spa-pool). If I pump from the spa and return to the pool, the spa would run dry and it would break the pump. I’m still interested in eventually building this, but I think it may be a later project as I’m more focused right now on integrating my new 2gig GC3 alarm panel…

Check out what I did here: Particle Photon Pool Pump and Solar Heating control

This should be almost directly modifiable to do exactly what you’re wanting to accomplish. I am using a Particle Photon, which is super flexible and very easy to use compared to the offline nature of a direct Arduino device.

Ever find a transformer?

I am using a transformer for a doorbell. It was $10 or something.


I’ve wondered if there may be a way to wire in a connection that signals when the valve has made it to the end turning point. You could then use this to send a signal upstream that the valve did in fact turn.