Hi, i also bought some of these Wall Switches. The Type 1 to be exact : Z-Wave-WallC-S.They work really well, and report all 4 buttons individually and even do hold and release events
However, i have some issues not realted to the connection to smartthings at all… maybe somebody of you already had the same problem. The Wall controler also needs the Frame and Paddles. In the Manual it lists some different kind of manufacturers and series its compatible with. One of them is the Reflex SI from Busch & Jäger. The Frame fits perfectly, but the double paddle i bought (2505-214) does not fit at all.
Anybody knows which paddles are compatible?I never thought that there are thousands of options to simple wall switches…
Starting a new thread for you in the UK category, as not everyone who is using the switches will be checking the developer section of the forum. Hopefully you’ll get some more suggestions.