Orbit Sprinkler Timer (Iris)

Went I open my smartthing app this morning I had five unknown device tiles showing up? is anyone else seeing these and it’s only shows up after I installed the Orbit Smart Hose Faucet to smartthings?

I when into the IDE and look at the new unknown devices and they are showing up with different network type codes? How do I find out what they mean one of them has a device network type of 3867? Anyone know what that is. Thanks

It’s the Orbit trying to phone home to an Iris hub. I think it will continually search the network for one until it is paired. The manual says it will do it only for an hour, but it sounds you your findings are a bit more than that.

I’d either; 1) Reset it and use it’s timed functions only (No ST pairing). Or, 2) Feed it Reeses’ Pieces and let it watch “E.T. The Extraterestial”. LOL

I bet it’s not long before the smart and awesome peoples at SmartThings figure out a device type for this thing. They always amaze me on how simple they make it look. Especially that @urman guy. He must be some kind of SmartThings Rainman (Savant).

I was at Lowes yesterday and sprung for one of these but haven’t tried pairing yet. Price seemed right. I too would like to see it work with ST.

I noticed it has a MAC address. Would this indicate it is using more than Z-Wave?

It only appears to be using Zigbee and I haven’t see it ask for a wifi connection or show up on my network at all.

It is working with on/off on the smart outlet but not consistently probably one out of 3 times.

I am getting the unknown devices showing up and I finally took the batteries out of it because of all the network traffic it is generating from trying to connect to the Iris hub. It was sending a ton of null messages when I looked at the console log. I think it made the rest of my network react very slow to some things.

I took the batteries out and I’m going to put them back in and unpair and re-pair it this weekend to see if I can get it to work as a Smart Outlet again and have it working 2 out of 3 times with on and off.

I’ll let every one know my results.

@Morgan - anymore luck with this item. I am home this week and considering getting one as my Lowes has 2 in stock. For my RV use case, I only need static (not timed) on and off.

No luck really. I’ve got it to turn on and off, but it is not consistent, and sometimes I have to turn it on an off 3 or 4 times. It was sending a TON of traffic to my ST hub, so i turned it off until i can spend some more time debugging it, and seeing I can figure out anything with it.

Sorry, but I’ll update this thread if i get more news.

Too bad we can’t send a link to this forum to the people at Orbit. They should make a ZWave device or straight zigbee before someone else beats them to the punch. I have a bunch of Orbit lawn products and they work great. This is the only missing link. A version that had more than one valve (ie the 4-valve version) would be awesome!

So I talked to orbit tech support and they say it uses ZigBee HA 1.2. I’ll email my contact about it searching for the iris hub nonstop. My question is could it be paired to both hubs and stop searching and still work in ST? I have an iris hub from my less enlightened home automation days so maybe I’ll pick one of these up to test the idea on.

Or if they are open to a firmware hack, er rather “tweak” (not sure if there is a service port in the unit). They would open themselves up to a new customers. Heck, make it white and sell it in the SmartThings store, plus it would be way less expensive then the FortrezZ.


Ok so there is a part of the ZigBee spec where a device needs to know the time of day it is. We don’t support this in the base spec like other controllers would right now. When the valve pairs it keeps on asking for the time until it gets it. Since the hub isn’t telling it the time, it keeps on asking and asking.

I’m going to either try hacking it in, or see if I can somehow get it to stop asking. If I can’t then it will take a new firmware version which could take a while.


Nice find. I think most of us want to control it through ST, so the time isn’t needed anyway.

Looking forward to your results.

I think the device needs the time to complete it’s setup routine.

Any updates to this? I just got one of these without the zigbee part, but I was planning on taking it back and getting one that could integrate with ST. I see we may be close but haven’t seen anything that may indicate this is solved. Appreciate the effort so far!

For what it’s worth, PlantLink is supposed to be making a Zigbee valve that will be compatible with SmartThings… at least that’s the goal.

I picked one up. Similar results to others. Shows up as a SmartPower Outlet. Works fine for awhile then stops receiving commands. I am hoping we can get this connected as I will buy a second one for the garden! For now it works as an overpriced “dumb” timer.

For those of you watching this thread who may be interested in a SmartThings comparable lawn sprinkler controller. I just posted an Arduino project that replaces your existing sprinkler controller allowing you to control you sprinklers via SmartThings.


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Very, very nice. The physical project and your write-up.


What can I say. I’m here to see the world on the shoulders of many giants! :slight_smile:

@d8adrvn - very cool work!