It seems that your device has been automatically paired with the edge driver Z-Wave Switch smartthings production.
You will no longer be able to use the Groovy-based configurator.
If you have made the DTH change in IDE the device may no longer work and you have to exclude it and re-pair it.
When paired, in the device menu, at the top right there will be a new menu option, driver.
In settings you will have the parameters that aeotec and smartthings have put for the driver.
Only those parameters will be available.
All depends of the switch model, as @JDRoberts says
I think that for August I will set myself the task of making a Z-Wave parameter configurator, it seems to me that it will be necessary and it does not seem to me that it will be difficult to do.
I hope they don’t steal my idea, hahaha…
Driver published