[OBSOLETE] Magic Home WiFi LED Control

Hi Chad! I don’t log into the ST forums very often, anymore … but I saw your post and wanted to ask—what were you experiencing when you tried to control the MHWF bulbs from the ST <> HE bridge? I may have to dust off my ST hub and fix whatever is going on, if there was some error with it.

Also, if anyone else has any questions about the MagicHome Wifi integration for Hubitat (or if you want a different SmartThings one, I can share a non-public release that requires a pi), feel free to send me a DM on either forum :slight_smile:

Hi. Bought the control box for this from Amazon and having trouble getting the app to install. The box refuses to connect to my router - and honestly, not all that sure why an LED controller needs to access my router in the first place. That doesn’t strike me as especially safe, security-wise.

Currently the light strip flashes rapidly from blue to red before pausing for a second, then cycles back through - is that normal? It seems very erratic.

Any assistance with troubleshooting would be appreciated.

What control box are you talking about?

Which app? Magic Home?

If it’s a WiFi Magic Home device that’s the only way it has any relevance to this topic.

Sounds like it’s trying to tell you something. Perhaps the manual or website from the company would help.

How can I sync music with Spotify?

Hi Guys noob here with ST. I followed the instructions to setup IDE and tcptunnel and when I issue the commands from the app, I can see the tunnel receiving it okay but I don’t quite get the LED’s to work. I have 2 strips so was just trying with one of them at time. I am wondering now if I even have a supported WiFI controller. I have the following one that runs with MagicHome App
Please advise if this is supported and if so, any ideas on what I can try to get it going?


Just use IFTT, Much easier.

How would I use IFTTT with ST? Can you include IFTTT actions for MagicHome inside ST Routines or Scenes? Can you please provide some assistance with that?


Just Add your ST and Magic home accounts to IFTT and it will allow you to create switches and other things. IFTTT - Automate business & home this page just shows some of your options.

Just a side note I had flashed all my magic home controllers with the custom firmware so I could use them directly with ST, found here in this post.

which works pretty well with ST, they are a giant pain to flash though. sometimes the cheap price is just not worth the hassle. But it was fun doing it.

Thank you @Albert_Santiago for the info. Yeah, the flashing stuff looks like a science project for the weekend. I will check out the IFTTT option. Looks more appealing. I guess you won’t be able to get the color wheels to change LED colours via this option but rather just create preset buttons?

If you’re interested — I’ve written a MH driver for Hubitat. You could use that as a bridge, essentially, if that’s a path you’d want to explore. It’ll beat the speed and integration of IFTTT, that’s for sure… :slight_smile:

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@adamkempenich Will that require me to purchase a Hubitat hub?

FYI - I was DM’ing with thejla and we found that his Pi, ST Hub, and Lights needed to be on the same network segment. The Wireless network extenders provided by his cable provider were isolating traffic on non-standard ports.

It will. I have a SmartThings driver, too, but that requires a Pi and I haven’t maintained it in 2-3 years, so unless you use OP’s method, it’ll take a middleman.


I have a LED strip installed and, until I installed IOS 13 on my iphone, it was working perfectly. The point is I haven´t used the led strip for a long time (as I have now Mi-ligh bulbs that work great and I have 4 different zones, with up to 4 lights in some zones and even possible to use many more per zone). Any way … when I tried to used Magic Home today I got a message from the app saying that it needs to be activated on Location services of the iPhone, which I did, but Magic Home app, refuses to use/connect to the LED strip. My LED strip is a generic (I guess) and appears on the Wifi as LEDnetACCF2xxxxxxx
I have tried and tried and tried again. Reseting the LED strip controller, going into the settings and trying many things many times. Magic Home doesn´t connect to the controller through my home wifi.

I don´t have a solution for Magic home but ;-))) after trying many different ones I found an app called Rimikon, that worked ant the first attemp, and I did not even had to set anything. When I opened the app it just connected to it. I guess that all these apps must be the same, as the interface is exactly the same as Magic Home. Now the app is working in my iPhone X with IOS 13 again, with no problem.

Perhaps those of you who are experiencing the same problem can give it a try?

I hope this helps, I have been trying many many apps and none of them worked, except for this Rimikon.

Good Luck


Hey guys,

I’m wondering if it’s possible to run tcptunnel on Hass.io (Home Assistant)!?

Anyone have any issues where the Magic Home Wifi LED strip tuns on by itself…

Okay, I built a server an my Rasbian and it seems to run.
If I scan the network and the static IP address of the Raspberry, it shows that port 5577 is open and listening and the console shows a request from the device that runs the port scanner.

But i cannot get it work in Smartthings correctly.
I’ve created the Handler, the Device and configured the device within the ST app.
I just can turn it on and off. Nothing else.
I use the compact RGBW controllers and RGB controllers.

Under the Device Settings in SmartThings, try another Controller Style such as RGB-LW12 or RGBWW. I can’t poll the controller type, but I built-in the command style for each one that we’ve encountered. Since ON and OFF work, RGBWW is probably what you need.

Okay, that’s strange. I did a reboot and now I get a

build_tunnel: connect(): Connection refused

if I try to turn the device on or off.


I’m so so sorry, but it was a little bit confusing!
I always tried that with the new SmartThings app on Android!
And I was confused because of the minimal interface with most missing buttons and so on.

Now I tried to set it up in the SmartThings classic app and it worked. The newer App won’t set the controller type!
This just works on the classic app.

I really hope, you will update it for the new app. It comes with so nice additional features.

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