A single simulated contact sensor device is required and may be used with multiple real devices. The app issues an optional intrusion message identifying the sensor causing the alarm.
The latest release allows a motion sensor to be “followed” (ignored) when a monitored contact sensor is triggered and delayed. This should help situations where a motion sensor “sees” the device being used to disarm the system, or possibly the door movement being monitored by the contact sensor, otherwise the motion sensor acts normally, triggering an immediate alarm. For extreme situations and as a “last resort” there is the “True Entry Delay” option, shutting off the system for the entry delay time period, then rearming if needed to sound the intrusion alarm.
Note “Real” contact sensors include: Connect, Konnect and Honeywell Smarthings simulated sensors, however, normally it is any hardware contact sensor that was monitored by SmartHome
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