[OBSOLETE] IKEA Styrbar 4 button remote

I see it is listed in the UK but not available online and only in stock in two stores (one low stock). The Tradfri on/off switch/dimmer and the Tradfri motion sensor aren’t being listed at all.

As far as I know the Ikea Tradfri button is recognized natively by ST but consumes a lot of battery, this new Styrbar should consume much less batteries … We hope you can solve the problem of the DH because it is a really good solution

I’ve had a go at writing an edge driver for Styrbar remote here Ikea Styrbar Remote

Hi, i’m new here.
how do i install this file on the hub?

Trial and error method :grinning:
Very Nice happy with it

I have just bought the STYRBAR silver 4 button and managed to add using @scubaandre DH- thank you! Very straightforward and displayed as an IKEA device.

I have read the thread and see that it’s simply a 4 button button, unless you add in some fancy way as suggested by @milandjurovic71 . Is that the case, or has anyone used for any other routines/scene settings /else? Thanks in advance.

You can definitely do routines/scenes including color changes/dimming bound to a single value in a scene, out of the box with the new smart things app. But you can’t do granular dimming, colour changes with the DH.

Also keep in mind this is a 4 buttons single presses, 3 buttons long presses due to a design decision by IKEA.

With zigbee lights, supported by @Mariano_Colmenarejo driver, you can dim by percentage with each button press.
Just one sample, wit press level increases by 10%, and with hold Light Temperature increases by 150K

This steps are settable by user

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@Mariano_Colmenarejo could you please add the group feature to your driver , so we can use Zigbee group broadcast?

I have the source code of my remote driver if you need a reference

Hi @veonua,
I don’t know how that function works.
I can look at your code to see what it is or you can use my driver code that is in github, add it and test it without any problem

Thank you! I’ll give this a go.

I read that adding handlers was disabled, is there an Edge driver for this dimmer?

You can search the forum and find

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