[OBSOLETE] HomeSeer HS-WD100+ and more (Simple DTH in post 27, advanced feature DTH in post 32)

I was hoping for a little bit of direction, I recently purchased 4 of these switches (2 WD + 2 WS), and although one of the WS seems to be experiencing the on/off/on cycle (I will attempt a RMA soon), I seem to be getting what I believe to be a bit of cross-talk with the dimming modes.

I did not define any configuration for buttons 5/6, but my Living Room WD switch uses both the “Button Controller Plus” (for 2/3 tap actions) and the default “Automate Lights & Switches” to turn on and set level.

Each time I Press and Hold, my lights seem to go full max, full min, or snap back to the dimming level. Has anyone had a similar experience, or does this switch option not play well with the other SmartApp?