I am pleased to announce the Google Home Helper, a ‘branch’ of my Alexa Helper app which allows you to more tightly integrate your Google Home Assistant Device with SmartThings.
First, let me thank the beta testers for guiding me through this development process. They challenged me to not only produce something as useful as Alexa Helper, but to use my lessons learned from Ask Alexa to ‘spice up’ the interface.
Just like Alexa Helper, this app allows you to tie switches (usually virtual switches) to functions within your SmartThings environment. Want to lock a door, set the heat, or close the garage (things the Google Home can’t do natively)? Simply create a virtual switch within the app, tie it to a function, and away you go! In addition, unlike Alexa Helper, the IFTTT site allows for even deeper integration and custom feedback with Google Home. In addition, you don’t actually have to use the On or Off commands when using IFTTT. Just set up an IFTTT recipe, tie it to a virtual switch action, and now you can say things like, “Ok Google, Good Night” and have all kinds of actions happen.
To get started, please follow the instructions here:
Finally, like Ask Alexa I set up a Slack channel to facilitate real-time support of this app. You must be invited to this channel at https://GoogleHomeHelper.slack.com, but this will allow us to do troubleshooting in real time if necessary.
These are still a work in progress as some of the screen shots don’t exactly match the app.
As always, this is a lot of work for me, so if you find this useful, think of karma and send a little donation my way: PayPal.Me