Ok, I can’t add entries to this myself because my voice reader doesn’t do well with tables, but I did set up a blank page in the community – created wiki as a table where people can list which edge driver would go with which device model.
We are going to need community help on this because it doesn’t look like smartthings is going to do one. And so far the official advice from staff is to look at every single production driver line by line to see if a particular model number is there. So I think a table by model would be super helpful to the community.
So please enter a model or two if you have the information. If you don’t know the fingerprints or other details, that’s fine: just start a row with what you do know, at minimum, brand, model, edge driver, and whether that driver is official or custom.
A lot of people are asking for this, it would be hugely helpful, but we are going to need the community to come together to build it.
Please feel free to fix anything on the page, like I said, tables are just really hard for me to work with.
This table is sortable on any column, so once the entries are put in, if you wanted to see everything in a particular driver You could sort on the driver column.
But it will only be useful if people add rows to the table. It’s a standard wiki with the usual edit options, so just copy the sample row, edit the column entries, and save. It doesn’t matter where you put the row in the table as long as the sample row stays at the top because each reader can sort the table as they like. And again it’s fine if you don’t know all the info: just brand, model, and driver name would help.
This line
Marks the end of a row.