NST Manager Camera crashes

I just installed NST Manager (I’m a proud newbie :slight_smile: and mostly everything seems to be working–except the Camera. Every time I click on the Camera in Devices the Smartthings app crashes. Worked one time after I installed but crashes every time since. I rebooted my iPhone to see if that makes a difference (no dice). I installed NST Manager through the Community Installer.

While I have you here and somewhat related–is the STSC app supposed to work with NST Manager or just the Classic app? I made sure to get everything up and running with the Classic app per the instructions, but wasn’t clear if the new app works with NST. Just says “Cannot connect to device” when I click on Nest devices in Devices.

Reported in the main NST Manager thread …

Oops my bad! Thanks.

Does NST work in the STSC app?

No custom code works with STSC at this point.