Notify if lock opened with a particular code

Welcome! You are replying to a thread which is in the archive section of the forum and is more than a year old, so most of the information in this thread isn’t really relevant anymore. Also, this was a section for people who wanted to write their own code, which I don’t think is what you’re asking about. So let’s see if we can get you to the right section of the forum where you can get an answer to your question. :sunglasses:

From what you’re describing, you’ve run into the fact that the official SmartThings integration with locks does not at present do anything with user codes.

Fortunately, there is a very popular smart app called lock manager created by one of the community members which will let you do all of this and more.

If you haven’t used custom code before, it’s pretty straightforward. Basically you just copy the author’s code and paste it into your own account. Here’s the FAQ that describes that process:

If that sounds like something you’d like to pursue, then here is the thread where you can read about the lock manager smart app and talk to the author if you have any questions:

In the future, if you are looking for functionality and you can’t figure out whether it exists in SmartThings or not, Just start a new thread in the following section of the forum and someone will help you.

If you’d just like to explore what other custom code is already available, check out the quick browse lists in the community – created wiki:

But for now, I think Lock Manager Will give you everything you need. Just ask any follow-up questions in the author’s thread linked to above.

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