Not seeing CO alarm with First Alert ZCOMBO detector

Ok, cool I wasn’t sure. I have two zcombo detectors running ST’s Edge driver, and I know for sure the smoke part works. I haven’t tested in a while, but I recall the test called out CO as well:

If the one you are currently using is an Edge driver you’ve installed on your hub, then you will be able to select it again, but if it’s a DTH there’s no going back (plus you’ll be migrated anyway eventually).

To remove an Edge driver, find your hub in the mobile app. Once there, tap on the three dots in the upper right and select Driver. All drivers installed on your hub will be listed. Find the one you want to remove and tap on the blue delete button, but make sure no device is using the driver

The CLI is a new interface similar to the IDE, but it’s all command line based, not browser based like the IDE was. It’s yet to be seen what ST will replace the IDE with, or if we’re stuck with the CLI. Here are two useful discussions, especially the SmartThings API Browser tool:

CLI (just one of many)