Hi @FoxBazo
Divisor set to 100 in this driver version
Name Zigbee Switch Power Mc
Version 2023-05-11T19:16:29.581740702
if you mean how to reset the power of each plug, you can do it with a routine like this in the Then part
I think @JDRoberts answer is correct, I don’t know if in the future they will extend it to all devices that measure power and energy
Again, thank you very much for your answer @JDRoberts and @Mariano_Colmenarejo. I did the following steps, I hope everything is correct:
- Removed all plugs from the ST Hub
- Uninstall the drivers
- Unenroll the Mariano’s channel
- Enroll the Mariano’s channel again
- Reinstall the drivers
- Add the devices again
- Define a routine to reset the energy counter (tested and it works)
- Check that the power readings of the plug is realistic compared to the real load plugged (and yes, it is)
The last thing I have to do is to check in 1h if the energy counter of each plug presents realistic figures or at least, if there is a reading error due to a bad divisor, I expect that all the plugs will present the same error to be able to adjust this divisor.
Hello @Mariano_Colmenarejo
After a counter reset and a close monitoring of two days of the zigbee plugs with different loads, I have determined that the divisor should be 1000 for the plugs _TZ3000_2putqrmw/TS011F. Indeed, it seems that the energy counter is simply in Wh, so a divisor of 1000 will count in kWh.
I have unfortunately 1 of the 4 plugs which acts completely weird. But if I ignore this one, the 3 others are consistent in the reporting of the energy consumption.
Thanks in advance to change once again this divisor. This is the definitive change this time (let’s hope ).
Best regards.
For me: only the Aqara SmartOutlet (SP-EUC01/Zigbee) works natively within the Energy Service, showing PowerConsumption and cumulative stats. It also can be used with the EnergyService Automations and Reports.
Smartthings Outlets (Zigbee) do not work for me as well as the Aeotec Smart Switch 6 (Z-Wave).
Also working as a main energy measurement device is the poweropti by Powerfox, but I think this is limited to the german (-speaking) markets.
Aeotecs Energy Meter 5 worked within the Smartthings App for a short time for me, but I didnt get to test it within the Energy Service, because it generated to much wrong readings.
Aqara Plug is named “Schreibtisch” in these screenshots:
Hi @FoxBazo
Try this TEST driver version with preference options for custom divisors for Power and Energy in individual devices.
The default value is 0, then the defaults divisor in the driver will be applied
You can set to value 0 to revert to default divisor in individual devices
Name Zigbee Switch Power Mc-TEST
Version 2023-05-16T12:52:10.604083648
- name: "simpleMeteringDivisor1"
title: "Custom Simple Metering Divisor"
description: "If you device has Power & Energy measurement then this Custom Divisor is used for Total Energy Calcualtioins. Some devices could use it for Power Instantaneous Demand calcualtions too, instead the Active Power. SET TO DEFAULT VALUE= 0, TO USE DEFAULTS DIVISOR OF DRIVER."
required: false
preferenceType: number
minimum: 0
maximum: 1000000
default: 0
- name: "electricalMeasureDiviso1"
title: "Custom Electrical Measure Divisor"
description: "This Custom divisor will be used for Active Power Calcualtioins. SET TO DEFAULT VALUE= 0, TO USE DEFAULTS DIVISOR OF DRIVER."
required: false
preferenceType: number
minimum: 0
maximum: 1000000
default: 0
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