New sonoff zigbee

Curious if anyone is experiencing issues with the Sonoff Zigbee devices randomly going off-line? It has only been a few weeks since I started using these, and some have been more of a hassle than a value.

Contact (SNZB-04): this has gone off-line twice. Once, it came back on its own after a while. Last night, I re-paired it to expedite the process. Both times, it had issues recognizing open/closed states, even with the magnet a quarter of an inch away. This connects through a repeating device that is about three feet away.

Temperature Humidity (SNZB-02): this has now gone off-line for the third time. The previous times, I re-paired. While typing, I see that it is back on-line. This is close enough to the hub that it connects directly, though there is a repeating device within five feet.

Outlet (S31 ZB Lite): no issues observed.
Motion Sensor (SNZB-03): no issues observed.
Switch (BASICZBR3): no issues observed
Button (SNZB-01): I have not yet started playing with this one.