New Ikea tradfri Shortcut Button?

There are several threads on the subject of this button, the most recent I think is this one and you can find link to the Edge driver reading down there.

Thanks alot
Do you got a Lightning adress to send you a little tip for your help ?:blush:

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No, just hope it works OK for you

I know Iā€™m resurrecting this thread but this maybe helpful for the next person who stumbles across thread in hopes of some answers.

I just want future people who are having the same issue no know that this driver still works as of this post. The weird thing is my shortcut button was not working with the driver. It would pair but only in standby, no battery or recognition of pushes. So I repaired my button 4 or 5 times through out the day and then it finally worked and would show the battery life as well as the pushes and holds. It now works the way it is supposed to.

So goodluck future Ikea shortcut button owners. Hopefully it goes a little smoother for you then it did myself.

Ikea just release another remote. p/n E2213
Model : SOMRIG shortcut button
Manufacturer : IKEA of Sweden

Can you please add to your driver ?

Iā€™ve just swapped the default drivers for the shortcut button with the driver found in this channel. It only shows the button status as Standby + ā€œThis device hasnā€™t updated all of its status information yet. Check again later.ā€ after several minutes. Upon swapping the drivers, I noticed that the button will be pressed once but nothing works after that

Hi everyone! Iā€™m also trying to make this type of button work with ST, but without success :frowning:
Has anyone managed to make it work? If so, with which drivers?

Thank you!

Try this driver

My driver doesnā€™t work with the TRADFRI shortcut button :slight_smile: Now Iā€™m realising the SOMRIG is also a shortcut button.