New Device - Fibaro Keyfob - 24 actions

Smartapps including Core will only see it as one button unless you use a custom device type Handler which exposes all of the different functions as different button numbers.

If you haven’t used custom code before, it’s pretty simple. Basically you’re going to copy the author’s code and paste it into your own account. The following FAQ describes that process:

If that sounds like something you want to try, you can find custom code contributed by the community by using the quick browse lists in the community – created wiki:

In this case you would look in the device type handler section on the list for “remotes and buttons.”

And you would find the following:

Once you install that, most SmartThings code, including the official smart lighting feature, will be able to recognize the individual buttons.

So you won’t actually need core for this. You can just use smart lighting. But you do have to first install the custom device type handler and assign your key fob to that. :sunglasses:

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