NEW Advanced User App for SmartThings Web!

I just noticed that this has improved: options are now 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 devices per page. A shame there’s still no “all” option, but a small welcome improvement nevertheless.


The only way I have found away around this is to to use the scan QR Code link on the login page, but I have to do it every time I login.

But it still doesn’t “stick”. :disappointed:


Yeah, great start but it needs to be a saved setting.

PITA to have to change that number every time you log in.

However, it is a definite improvement and a step in the right direction.


Not just every time you log in, but every time you select a device and then go back to the list (or is that just me?).

Also frustrating for me: when I scroll down the list to find and select a device, I’m then at the bottom of that device’s details and have to scroll back up - somehow the position on the page is persisting when you navigate to what appears to be a different page.


Not just you.

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I was right clicking on a device and opening in a new tab so my whole list was still there in the first tab. But when I tried to just click on a device and then go back it resets to 10.

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11 posts were split to a new topic: ‘something went wrong’ on advanced page of web interface (August 2023)

Number of items in the list (Devices/Scenes, etc.) looks to be “sticky” now–yay! I picked 100 for Devices and 50 for Scenes and it remains the same while switching between them…


So happy they fixed this!

Is the zwave security level for an individual device available here? :thinking:

I’m not seeing it. I know it’s in @TAustin API Browser+, in case that is helpful to you.

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The advanced user app labels the edge Driver author as the “manufacturer,“ which is really confusing to people. And means that many devices end up with a “manufacturer” of “smartthings“ if they are using a stock edge driver.

Please change this label to “author“ instead of “manufacturer.“

Thank you!



That’s the ‘mnmn’ (I call it Mah Nà Mah Nà) or ‘manufacturerName’ which has been around for years now. I’d guess most users first encountered it in the DTH metadata when adding a ‘vid’ became a thing. The current ‘new platform’ is really not like the ‘new platform’ of five years ago but there are a lot of relics and I think the extensive use of the term ‘manufacturer’ is one of them. Even though they had the idea of organisations and brands, every user and every organisation has a four character mnId or ‘Manufacturer ID’ (you see them when you look at your developer mode options in the mobile app).

Even though we have a /organizations endpoint in the API which has never been introduced or explained, and which seems to have taken over from the old Developer Workspace approach when certifying Edge drivers, there is still a ‘Manufacturer Name’ lingering in there.

Although it would seem more obvious to use ‘Manufacturer Name’, I don’t find ‘Manufacturer’ an unreasonable heading to put up for the manufacturerName as there has to be an obvious link to the underlying device object. It is the continued use of manufacturerName that is more the issue. It may be rather entrenched. I do think it deserves at least a (?) to better explain it.

Further clarifying comments written several hours on from the above follow.

Just as the manufacturerName of the device is that of the integration (and more specifically the presentation being used) and may have no relation to any hardware it might be working with, the name of the device also comes from the integration. Sometimes it is like a label, sometimes it reflects the name of hardware, and in the case of Edge drivers it comes from the first profile assigned to the device and never gets updated (at least not within the same driver, I don’t have any devices with changed drivers). The user is expected to understand that about a ‘Device Name’ and knowing what a ‘Manufacturer’ is should be no different.

If we were talking about the mobile app then I could see how using something different (though probably not ‘Author’) would be reasonable, though it would make it hard to argue against ‘Manually Run Routines’. In an app explicitly targeted at ‘advanced users’ I think it reasonable to work with the actual terminology, however misleading it might be considered to be.

A further comment follows that was written a few days on as I see I left a key bit out.

I have added a mention of the ‘presentation’ above, as that is specifically where the dated terminology is leaking through. Device integrations on the ‘new’ platform once included device manifests which had compound identifiers that included the mnmn (which could often be the mnid) and the ‘vendor ID’. These have evolved into a shareable resource with the mnmn as a namespace and the vid as an identifier still not having yielded to the preferred manufacturerName and presentationId everywhere.

I have to respectfully disagree on this one.

Both official support and experienced users in this forum attempting to help customers with issues, including people who literally just bought a hub and are trying to add their first device, send people to the “advanced” page to get information. The person asking for help may have no idea what an edge driver is yet, let alone any terminology from the internal architecture.

“Manufacturer” is an everyday English word. The fact that at some point in its history Samsung chose to use it incorrectly doesn’t mean that error needs to bubble up to the user interface level.

It’s confusing, and it doesn’t need to be.

JMO, of course.


I know, I personally find it completely irresponsible, just as it was getting people to use the IDE to assist in installing devices without first advising them on exactly what it is they are doing and the possible longer term consequences to themselves and others. Indeed the two thongs aren’t unrelated. I also feel sick every time I see users advised to use community drivers, request fingerprints are added to them, or change drivers without any advice as to what they are doing and why.

Yes, and they aren’t the target audience of the Advanced Web App so why make the app less useful for those that are?

They haven’t used it incorrectly any more than they have used ‘hub’ or ‘device’ incorrectly. You have chosen to interpret it out of the context of a SmartThings ‘device’.

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That’s a good point – – why don’t you write an FAQ about the issues and concerns in using community drivers and that way we can point new people to it. :sunglasses:

There have been quite a few people posting in the forum that a device that they had had that worked for years with a DTH stopped working after automatic migration, and quite often, the way to get that functionality back is to use one of the community-created edge Drivers. But it’s not without some risk, and it would be good to have a resource so people could review that issue for themselves.


Hi, @JDRoberts
I’ll start a discussion about this with the engineering team.
However, in the case of the picture you shared, it isn’t a Hub-Connected device but a Cloud-Connected device.
In this particular case, it says “SmartThings” because the partner that created this integration used a device profile created by SmartThings (thus, the device presentation belongs to ST as well). It doesn’t mean SmartThings made the whole integration. (Note: Actually, in the case of Schema Connectors, the partner has total control over the integration, and ST only certifies it.)

Checking a custom Schema integration of mine (this means without using any ST profiles), I see it shows my organization’s MNID instead, and the “manufacturer code” is the value we can assign to the Schema directly:

Just as a reference, here’s the code:

.discoveryHandler((accessToken, response) => {
      const d = response.addDevice('fanOscillationMode5', 'fanOscillationMode5', '898866b8-9ebf-447e-a4cd-ac3bf1a2982a')
      //Device manufacturer
      //Device model

In the case of Hub-Connected, manufacturers can simply add their fingerprints to an existing driver (using one of its profiles) or create one of their own, which is the case of Inovelli. @Bry, could you share with me (over DM) a screenshot of the details of the device you mentioned? This is to have it as an example.
In a custom driver, I see it has the value SmartThingsCommunity, and changing it to a stock driver it also shows SmartThingsCommunity.

As mentioned by Graham, it seems to correspond to the Manufacturer Name (MNMN) of the profile’s metadata.
In my case, I use them mostly to find the correct VID because, when we create a profile in the Dev WS, the VID is created with our MNID as the MNMN, so, to find the correct presentation, you must use both values in the command, for example:

smartthings presentation ST_96c51669-32b6-4af0-bed5-d346b7ae6d7e 0AJJ -j

In terms of support, if someone reports an issue with their device’s UI, we check the presentation first, and the VID and ManufacturerName are values commonly used for this purpose.

For any device presentation created, the default value in MNMN is always “SmartThingsCommunity”. Perhaps it would be best to move that value next to the presentation ID and put (“Presentation’s MNMN”) in parenthesis because as AFAIK, this isn’t a value set by the partner (eg. using their Company name) and it would only help us on the support/development side (getting the presentation for review or their original dev-config to make a copy out of it), not the user.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Advanced users app] “Couldn’t load web page”

Not to oversimplify, but couldn’t a contextual description be added, such as:Integration Manufacturer? I think the point is, to the inexperienced, it reads like device manufacturer.

I get that there is technical precedence but a label that requires explanation, bordering on correction isn’t very good at its purpose.

Thanks JD for calling this out and to Nayelyz and Graham for the additional background.