Need help trying to set up oauth2 for my app

Hi, I’m trying to set up the oauth2 authorization but are getting some unexpected errors.

I have initialized my app on the smarthings cli and I am able to create and retrieve an authorization code via e but i’m getting an error 401 unauthorize when trying to exchange it for a token with I’m pretty sure my client_id, redirect_uri and client_secret are correct as i copy pasted them. I don’t what might be wrong.

Any help would be appreciated…
Thank you !

Hi, @Valentin_Hoyet
Can you send an email to including the complete request you’re sending, please?

Hi, thank you for you’r answer ! Should i include my client_id and client_secret ?

Not for now, only share the app ID as well and the last timestamp when you tried to get a request token including your timezone, please.