Mobile app in bits (Android)

Anyone else having fun and games with the mobile app? I’ve had a broken Home Insights section for one user account for a long time now but yesterday I lost Home Insights and Favourites completely, seeing a spinny thing instead, while also noticing Home Monitor looked suspect. Other things stopped working to the extent I felt I had to reinstall. Bad mistake. The only thing I have still working is the non-API bits of the Menu page and the Settings page. Curiously that is perfectly capable of seeing my Location names and settings, something totally beyond the rest of the app which is stuck ‘Getting everything ready’ and has nothing but the odd menu here and there.

I switched to another phone with a different account and that also has ‘Getting everything ready’ instead of a home page and everything on the services page is broken. It at least knows I have a Location with stuff in it.

My own API probing app can’t pull Location users out of the Client API for my main Location but otherwise seems to be OK.

Good morning @orangebucket, aside from my Zigbee crash yesterday, the mobile app is working quite well for us since the last update. I did have some device tiles say “downloading” a couple days ago, but other than that I’m ok here. I’m on a Samsung Note 20, and my spouse is on an S23.

Yes, I rather suspected I might be in the minority here. It feels like something nasty has happened to my personal account and the confusing ownership model in SmartThings isn’t helping me at all.

You are not the only one having these issues. I’ve had the same issues including the “no connected devices” on my V3 hub despite my devices working ok. Interestingly, my V2 hub and “new” V3 hub from Aeotec are just fine.

Are you able to access “Smart lighting” via the discover option in routines?

It looks like whatever was super badly broken has been fixed and I have now reverted to just being missing most of my Home Insight settings and being unable to update my own SmartApps.

I do get the feeling that the app is particularly vulnerable to the Life services failing. They seem to gum up the works.

Now I just need to clean up the mess I’ve been making this afternoon moving stuff around to mitigate future problems.

Just wondering, if you look at your hub do you see a list of devices?

I do not yet they work. See attached.


Interesting observation @z4ib55. I just looked at my two hubs (one location), and both look like that now. I usually don’t pay attention to them in the mobile app, but I do recall seeing the connected devices listed under them. The only place to see devices by hub is now the advanced web app under devices and sorted by hub.

The information on the Android App still works for me, for the Hub devices in two locations, one with a v3 and another with a v2.
With the new version of the App, or at least I hadn’t seen it before, they are shown in two sections:

  • Devices connected
  • Devices not connected to the Hub: The Hub devices that are offline are shown.

Hi @Mariano_Colmenarejo, yup I see that now. I had to find via the Insights/Favorites page → Manage Hubs setting. While that did show me what you described, see the screenshot below, selecting either hub still did not generate the list in the mobile app.

I see it in both places

John, Mine looks just like yours, and is not creating any problems that I know of.

The list of devices disappeared from the hub detail page a couple weeks ago, and there was a message on the hub detail page that said “no devices connected”.

Since the last Android app update the device list is still missing but the “no devices connected” message on the hub device detail page is gone.

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For my hubs I see:

Offline if hub is offline (gives advice).
Status (Connected / Offline) for all hubs.
Hub group for hubs in a hub group, and for standalone hubs if the Location doesn’t yet have a hub group (regardless of whether the hub can be in a group).
Connected devices for primary hubs and standalone hubs only. If there aren’t any connected devices then it says ‘No connected devices’ in place of the device icons.
Not connected to hub for primary hubs and standalone hubs only, and only if any offline devices are found.

This is using the latest Android app with V2 and V3 hubs.