I have figured out the issue(s) that I am having with the MIMOlite are all device handler based.
The problem is that I’m not a programmer. I do not even know what language is used to write a new device handler.
Looking at Fortrezz’s documentation and spending a night with google as my friend it appears that Fortrezz published someone here’s device handler for the Mimolite to make it into a garage door opener.
I’m sure that is a wonderful device handler, but I just want to have the thing work with the new app, be able to read a voltage, and be able to toggle the relay otput.
Seems simple but I’m clueless how to even get started.
Anybody want to help write a device handler that will work?
How about ideas to get started?
I am really suprised the manufacturer has not done this, or be willing to do it. How do they expect to stay in business? Frustrating…
Hi Kevin, none that I know of, but it’s actually not too difficult to change the code, but it may take some experimentation. There’s a separate discussion about that here:
It comes down to figuring out which mnmn and vid entries are required in the metadata definition for the DTH. To date though, I don’t believe I’ve seen any documentation about what those should be. It may be buried in that discussion somewhere, or in the related links.
The mimolite is not a standard energy monitoring switch. It’s a bridge between a nonnetworked device and the network. You can use it in a number of different ways. If you search the forum for it, you can see how other community members have used it, most typically to monitor a HVAC device or wired analog sensors. It is also used to drive a small DC motor in both forward and reverse, which can be useful for pump applications as well as things like curtain motors.
The MIMOlite module provides one input and one relay output (isolated dry contacts, NO-COM-NC) and is capable of Z-WaveTM input/output/control. The system includes a program switch for Z-WaveTM inclusion/exclusion and an LED for various status indications.
Input SIG1 is an analog input, internally pulled-up to the MIMOlite supply voltage. The system allows trigger conditions to be set based on the input voltage being inside or outside a user-defined range (configured via Z-Wave). This provides great flexibility for capturing events in a wide variety of applications. The trigger status of the input can be read via Z-WaveTM and/or can be automatically sent to a configured node, typically the Controller. In addition, a count of the trigger events that have occurred for each input channel are internally recorded (and stored in the ‘pulse count’) and are available to be read via Z-Wave. The current triggered/un-triggered status can also be read via Z-Wave. The SIG1 input can be associated with up to two other Z-WaveTM devices, such that an associated device will automatically turn on (or off) based on the occurrence of a trigger event. Finally, the analog input channels can be configured so that they periodically send the analog input level (not just trigger status) to up to two other associated nodes.
OK, The MIMO product looks like a well engineered piece of hardware.
It’s just not for me in it’s current as sold and supported state. The product appears to me to have an intended audience or customer as the OEM system integrator, something that I am not.
It needs programming support to use, something I am not willing to learn how to do right now.
The fact is that I need to keep my IRIS replacement project moving, and I need devices that offer both hardware and software support by the manufacturer.
Because of this I have moved on. My need was for wired inputs to read contact closures, and there are other products that fit that need and offer manufacturer software support. I already ordered some replacements, and might come back to this later, but probably not.
I had my mimolite pair to my v1 hub, it worked fine in the old smartthings app but said offline on the new app. I decided to remove it and try and re-add it. Now I can’t seem to pair it to the hub anymore. Originally it just showed up as a generic zwave switch. Now I can’t get it to pair at all. I tried different device handler with no luck. I excluded it. Tried to add it back the mimolite flashes twice which from the documentation says it was included but the app doesn’t see it. I called smartthings an they say the mimolite isn’t supported. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I haven’t had one of these devices in a couple years, so I can’t help too much unfortunately. When you say the app doesn’t see it, do you mean that when running Scan Nearby to add it and the device itself shows included the Mimolite doesn’t pop up in the “seen” list or on the Dashboard as a device with no room assigned?
Yes, it doesn’t show up in the app or under the ide devices. I excluded it and then tried to re-add it. The device doesn’t show in the app or ide but the mimolite flashes 2 which suppose to mean it is included. Unless I’m doing something wrong.
I have the exact same issue, the LED flashed twice out of the box when I first plugged it in. Spent some time on the phone with tech support from both the retailer (Aartech) and Forttrezz - they told me the Z-wave module is defective. Aartech agreed to send me a replacement, installed it yesterday and it has the same issue, flashed twice first time I plugged it in! I’m out of ideas, I just requested a refund…Any chance somebody has a solution before I send it back? Thanks for your help!
Edit: just to clarify - new Smartthings app, v2 hub.
After reading through this , I just pulled my mimo lite out of the “orphaned Toys” pile and excluded it using new app and ver.2 hub. Used scan nearby option to add it back in and it worked flawlessly. I then felt the need to solder it into my spare garage door opener and now have a second way to open my garage door besides using the MyQ . Just updating this so people know that this item does work with smarthings. It shows up in ide with generic z wave switch which works perfectly for me as i pulled the jumper to make it work as a momentary switch device. As an FYI, all my orphan toys came from my last house. I moved in february and started over in a new house. Unfortunately i was too lazy to exclude the zwave devices as i just pulled the plug on the hub when i moved and boxed up all the devices.
Update: Aartech called me back to let me know they did some testing to their existing stock of Mimolite units and they found them all faulty! Probably a bad batch…Anyway, I moved on and ordered this instead form Amazon:
Installed it today, works perfectly and it’s half the price of Mimolite.