Well, I finally made the change as I have been playing with both of them for over a year. The migration went pretty well with just one scene having issues so I deleted it and created it in the new app. I will say the new app is quite nice and my custom devices and apps still work. I moved several custom devices to the new stock device’s deleting my old Handlers.
Sonos is now broken and cannot connect to SmartThings. I have tried moving my sons from SonosNet to Wifi and that didn’t help. I rebooted the router, app, and switch. Nothing works. If I have to reset all my sonos devices I am going to be so B…S…
Any Ideas?
(www.rboyapps.com - Making SmartThings Easy!)
You may need to remove and readd your Sonos to upgrade to the new integration as described here:
Thanks RBoy, I followed that previously but it didnt work. I dug a little deeper finally and had to manually remove the speakers from the API and then they joined. Whew. I was not going to be happy resetting 14 sonos sets.
Thanks for all your responses and your apps. Ive been a user for many years and your stuff is rock solid. Keep up the great work.