LT-ZW-01 Z-Wave Connection - Hub V3


Recently I purchased a LT-ZW-01 Z-Wave LED controller, and I absolutely cannot get it paired. Can anyone assist with this?

SOLVED: Thank you @mrfitz98 who pointed out what should have been obvious to me. Please see this response for the explanation:

  1. that model number is used by more than one brand. Which brand do you have?

  2. which model number smartthings/Aeotec hub do you have?

  3. are you sure the device is made for the same region as your hub? Zwave device and hub must match exactly per frequency. We do occasionally get community members who purchase something from AliExpress not realizing that it’s on the China/EU frequency and won’t work with a US hub. Or community members in the UK, who purchase a device from Amazon which is on the US frequency and have the same mismatch issue.

  4. did you do a Z wave general exclude? That’s typically the first troubleshooting step for a Z wave device that won’t pair once you’ve confirmed that the specifications match your hub.

  5. do you have other Z wave devices that are working?

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Hey JDRoberts, thanks for following up

  1. I bought this from Solid Apollo (Z-Wave LED Dimmer)
  2. SmartThings Hub v3 (|Firmware Version|000.046.00010|Hardware Version|Hub v3 US)
  3. The supplier said that the device is made for the US region. Of course I cannot really confirm that though. I have a bad feeling that this is the issue and the supplier was wrong
  4. I tried to do an exclude but that didnt find the device either so it never went through
  5. I have a ton of other switches (mix of zigbee and z-wave), along with other miscellaneous z-wave devices that are working

I am most likely going to return this to the supplier for a refund, otherwise id take it apart and figure out more details… The packaging/device itself is pretty sparse.

Do you have any recommendations for a similar 24v DC LED dimmer? It honestly doesn’t even need to be a dimmer if it just had 2-3 independent relays for 24v LED lights.

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From the manual…

|Radio Frequency|868.42 MHz (EU)|

That won’t work in the US.


Thank you for the information, I totally missed that. Just in case anyone comes across this in the future, and they bought the device from Solid Apollo, here is my review of them in regards to this product:

As per the datasheet on Solid Apollo’s website, the LT-ZW-01 runs on the 868.42 MHz Z-Wave frequency. Solid Apollo employee, as well as management are insisting that this device has always been tested and works within the United states.

(Here is a picture of the datasheet page in reference, just in case they try to take the manual down)

According to the Z-Wave Alliance website, the authorized frequency for Z-Wave in the United States and Canada is 908.42 MHz. FAQ - Z-Wave (under the How does Z-Wave work? section).

Solid Apollo refuses to acknowledge that the device is NOT compatible with Z-Wave controllers in the United States, as specified directly by the Z-Wave Alliance.

I requested a refund for this device, and they provided me with an RMA number, but are insisting that I pay for the shipping back! As a reminder, this is not a regular return, but rather a return which is being made solely due to the fact that the item is not compatible with the Z-Wave Alliances approved frequency used within North America (USA & Canada). As far as Solid Apollo’s service is concerned, it is fine, but their understanding is clearly lacking.

The United States does allow people to run hubs on other Z wave frequencies, unlike some countries which restrict use to the zwave alliance-assigned frequency for their region.

So it is legal and possible to run a 868.4 frequency hub with 868.4 frequency Z wave devices in the US. It’s just not what most people do.

(For one thing, all the zwave light switches made to run on typical US wiring use the US region frequency.)

So the company isn’t technically incorrect that their device could be used in the US. It’s just that it can only be used in the US with a hub on the 868.4 frequency.

In some other regions, it will be illegal to run a device of the US frequency because it might interfere with local first responder communications. But again, first responder communications run on different frequencies in different areas.

But their device cannot be used with a US model smartthings/Aeotec hub, because of the frequency mismatch. :disappointed_relieved:

What you would need to look for is if the device has an FCC license. If it does not, it is not legal to run in the United States regardless of the frequency. But if they did get an FCC license for it, then they are technically correct, that it can be used in United States.

The FCC license number should be printed on the device somewhere if they have one. It should also be printed in the user manual.

Just as an example, Gledopto is a company which sells ZigBee devices in many different regions. The Zigbee frequency is the same everywhere, that’s not an issue like it is with zwave, but you will notice that the FCC license is the second line printed on the back of the case. Without that license, it would not be legal to sell in the US.


So… does the device have an FCC license? If so, it is legal to operate in the United States. If it doesn’t, it isn’t. The Z wave alliance regional frequencies are recommendations, but their legality is left up to each individual country, and the US does not restrict the use of frequencies for other regions.

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I am not saying that it isn’t possible to run it in the Untied States, nor am I saying that it is inherently illegal to run it in the US, but it is not using the United States standard frequency as set out by the Z-Wave Alliance. That is the problem and they are falsely claiming that it is compatible with US Z-Wave devices, which we have already determined is incorrect.

Either way, thank you for the information. I appreciate it.

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I may have missed it, but I didn’t see anything on the page you linked to that claimed that it would work with a North American frequency hub.

However, I also didn’t see any indication that it has an FCC license, in which case it would be illegal to operate in the United States regardless of what zwave frequency it was using. They really shouldn’t even export it to the US. :thinking:

Notice how under certificates they list “CE, RoHS“? Those are both European certifications. There’s nothing wrong with having those, but again, if you look at the picture of the gledopto, I posted in my previous note you’ll see that it also lists FCC.

Weirdly, they show the FCC logo on the power brick that they sell, when that is not an FCC covered device. So maybe they just put it on the wrong documentation?

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The communication regarding it being compatible in North America was directly from an employee, as well as the manager (presumably the owner, Andrew - his name is publicly listed which is the only reason why I am putting it here). Andrew said that they have sold a lot of these devices, all to the United States which they are based in (in the state of Washington to be exact) and that they have these working as well. He said that these do work with the US frequency. Which is a bold faced lie at worst, or an ignorant misunderstanding at best (in my opinion of course).

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Ah. Yes, that would be an incorrect statement if he was referring to the Z wave version. It could be true for the power block. Or if they have a zigbee version. The power block is UL listed, so I would believe that they have sold a lot of those in the US.

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