Looking for device suggestions: RGBW Wall Switch and Fan/Light switch

Smartthings aficionados, I’m looking for some devices, or confirmation that such devices don’t exist.

For both, I’d ideally like to stick with just the Smartthings hub.

  1. I’d like a switch with which I can change the color of my bulbs. (I have Lightify stuff.)
  2. I’d like a switch that I could use to replace a dumb switch that contains a dimmer for both a light and a fan. (There are two sliders that fit in an area that cover one switch.)

Any suggestions for how to achieve these?


  1. A simple thing you could do is just have a button like the xiaomi or the aeon Minimote. It can take a few seconds to respond though. I do this myself and it was a pretty simple and inexpensive way to control my hue bulbs.
  2. Im not sure about this one. It might be possible but i cant say for sure. Would depend on the wiring. A quick search here on the forums should lend some help. There are probably a few people who wanted to do the same thing.

For the fan/light switch, most people just put 2 GE switches side by side, The one for the lights in the one for the fan. This does make a double gang switch, though, so you have to expand the switchbox behind them. But it looks pretty nice and it’s intuitive for guests.

Other than that, there’s only one alternative that will fit in a single gang space. It’s from Hampton Bay, but right now you have to order it as parts. The folks in the following thread will explain all about it:

For the color control, there isn’t really any obvious choice. If there’s a specific set of scenes that you want to rotate between, there are some nice multibutton or multifeature switches that can give you a lot of choices. For example, the following eight button battery operated device actually gives you 24 options because each button can be press, double press, or long hold.

But there are some other choices as well. See the following list:

Alternatively, some people just get a $20 Wi-Fi phone and use that as a wall mount. Then you can get a nice color wheel on it just using the regular SmartThings app.

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