I am trying to integrate a wired alarm siren (12v dry contact) to smartthings. Thought about lots of options to integrate this siren. The only problem is that I don’t want to be depended on internet connection (e.g. local processing) or power loss. So I have 12v constant power ups for that siren and I only need to switch it’s power on/off.
So I am looking for a reliable local processing low voltage relay and I couldn’t find any decent one.
The only hope that I have is in the local processing device list provided by Samsung (https://graph.api.smartthings.com/localDevice/list) where there is a line of some general “Z-Wave Relay” that marked - Local processing: TRUE.
What is that “Z-Wave Relay” can I use any relay with that DH (Fibaro relay or Quibino relay).
This last one is a Switched plugin outlet from GE.
Another option to have is a 110v or 220v relay (depending on your needs) and connect the coil of the relay to one of the above mentioned switches/outlets and switch the 12v of the siren when you switch on/off the relay.
Don’t know for sure if there is local processing when you use the Fibaro or Quibino relay.
Grtn Ben
PS I have a Fibaro Single Switch 2 ZW5, that shows Cloud in my IDE page.
rember to actualy do anything with the realy (switch on/off) you will ahve to use a the smartlighting app (it runs localy) , as all other commands (phone/actions tiles) are trigerd from the cloud
So does the siren have a “power block” that gets plugged into a regular outlet?
Then you do not have to use a device called a relay. You can buy a SmartThings zigbee outlet or equivalent.
Just as an FYI. There is also something called. Dry contact relay. Which sounds like you do not need. Like a garage door open/closed, it is low voltage relay that takes one low voltage line that comes from the garage controller and jumps it to the other line to open close the garage door.
Yhe… I will use dry contact relay.
My solution will be another 24v ups connected as a power supply to Quibino relay 1D, the other UPS will provide 12v to the siren trough the relay, and I’ll use smartthings generic relay DH for local processing capabilities.