Hello! I’m making some modifications to a SmartApp. (I do some Java programming, but I’m new SmartApps.) In the code, there are links to the tiles. Is there a list of all the available tiles somewhere? Thanks!
It helps if you can please paste a link to the code (GitHub, Gist, or code here surrounded by the three back-quotes (or use the
formatting option on the text editor formatting toolbar). -
Have you checked the Developer documentation – there’s a whole section on “Tiles”? http://docs.smartthings.com/en/latest/device-type-developers-guide/tiles-metadata.html
The code is working fine so I didn’t post it. Thank you for posting the developer documentation. As far as I can tell, this section of the document doesn’t say where to get a list of the tile images. All I have left to do is swap out up and down arrows for left and right. Here’s the link to one of them: http://cdn.device-icons.smartthings.com/thermostat/thermostat-up@2x.png
I found this helpful list, but it doesn’t have arrows: http://scripts.3dgo.net/smartthings/icons/#
By trial and error, I just found the ones I need: http://cdn.device-icons.smartthings.com/thermostat/thermostat-left@2x.png
Oh… Tile icon images.
That’s not what you asked! You just said “list of Tiles”!!!
Sorry for the confusion.
The answer is here…
Or here — same content just a shorter URL
tgauchat & JZst, thank you for the links–very helpful!