This is similar to another post I had about nanoleaf, but a couple of days ago my integration with Leviton WiFi switches ran into some problems.
The switches have been working perfectly for about a year, and this week they stopped reporting their state to SmartThings.
Things to note:
all of the Leviton switches are up to date for firmware
all of the switches work inside the MyLeviton app
all of the switches can be controlled from inside of SmartThings
none of the switches state is represented inside of smartthings (if I turn the switch on manually, it does not register as a state change inside of ST)
I unlinked the MyLeviton app and relinked it
Even after all of that, ST cannot see the state change
This of course is causing problems with routines and smartthings based on those switches.
Anyone experiencing this? I think it’s a Leviton problem, honestly.
I have a lot of z-wave leviton switches throughout the house, but I have a few locations where I need Wifi versions of those switches. The z-wave Leviton’s are still working great because they report directly to the ST hub, but for the WiFi switches we’re required to go thru the MyLeviton app.
Those switches stopped reporting their state to SmartThings around Aug 22.
And lots of people with a V2 are also using matter over thread. You just need to have a thread border router somewhere in your house. Many of the smart speakers now have a thread border router built-in, so you might already have one.
Just to finish this thread, here’s the message I received from Leviton this morning, confirming the issue was on their end:
Hi Rob,
Thanks for contacting Leviton Technical Services.
We deployed a cloud update the afternoon of 8/26 that resolves this issue. Other SmartThings users have reported that the issue in now resolved. There is no intervention on your part that needs to happen. Please test it again and let us know if there are any issues. Thanks! Best regards, Chris
I saw that on Amazon (and Home Depot) the Leviton zwave models for switches and dimmers are now out of stock and the WiFi ones are tagged as replacements.
I did it the expensive way by purchasing the Homeseer z-wave software which, at that time at least, bundled in updated firmware for a bunch of devices. I also purchased a z-wave USB stick from @TheSmartestHouse
Someone else on these forums reported that they used a support case on the Leviton forums to get the updated firmware and a loaner z-wave USB stick.
I’ve also used the Silicon Labs Z-wave PC Controller software to update some of my Zooz devices