Keep lights on while in the room

I have automations to turn on and off lights based on motion detection. The cancellation is a delayed action. For example, say you have an automation where lights turn on with motion and when motion stops it turns off the lights after a 10 minute delay. When motion stops the 10 minute timer begins. My issue is here: if there is motion during that 10 minute period the action of turning off the light should be cancelled but is not. When motion stops the next time, the rule should start the delay timer again.

How are you writing your Routine(s)? Can you provide us a screenshot?

It sounds like you are putting the delay in the action rather than the condition.

If your condition checks for ‘No motion’ and you set the ‘Stays this status for how long?’ option to ten minutes the condition only becomes true ten minutes after the motion stops and stays stopped.

On the other hand if your action is to turn the light off with a delay of ten minutes then that will happen regardless of whether the condition changes.


Sorry It is in french but you should be able to read it.

Image didn’t come through

And Now do you see it?

Yes, and your issue is what @orangebucket described in his post. If you want to turn off the light when there has been no motion for 10 mins then rewrite the Routine to be:

Then every time motion is detected before the 10 mins has elapsed, the 10 min window will reset and your light will not turn off.


OK thank you guys.