Just a quick update because I know this is a popular topic… This is a pre-announcement from Phillips hue for devices which should be available by the end of 2018, but it looks very exciting:
Update for 2019: They’re here! Now available in both the US and Europe. Phillips hue bridge required. However, while they work well with the Phillips hue bridge and HomeKit , they are not exposed to smartthings through that integration. according to smartthings staff, the smartthings Zigbee 3.0 implementation did not include the green power clusters that these devices require.
These are “self powered” zigbee green energy switches which don’t need batteries: they are powered by the kinetic energy that occurs when you press the switch. If you’re familiar with the Phillips hue “Tap,” this is the same technology.
In this case, though, Phillips is not going to make the switches themselves. Instead they have chosen partner companies in the different regions that alre…