I have two doors from different rooms going to the same bathroom. Is there a smart deadbolt (ideally not too expensive ) that can integrate with ST and allow me to put a button to lock both doors in the bathroom.
My original idea was to use magnetic locks on a smartswitch but it’s turning out quite a cumbersome job so looking for a more straightforward solution.
I have the Aeotec hub, and ideally looking for a little round lock.
I’m not quite clear on the question. I understand what the bathroom architecture is like. (When I was a kid, we had one where one door led to a bedroom, and the other door led to the hallway.)
But in smartthings, any button can be made to control any number of devices, so that shouldn’t be an issue. You could have a button on your nightstand that locked the kitchen door to the garage, the back door, the front door, and the bedroom door all at once. So you’ll have lots of choices for that.
You will need a smart lock on each door, but again you should have a number of choices, some specifically designed for interior doors.
What country are you in? The device selection does vary somewhat.
If you’re in North America, the August smart lock might be the simplest. It installs over the top of an existing deadbolt and physically turns it. Has an official smartthings integration, so that part is simple.
I should also say that my personal preference for this would be the Level Lock, which is completely invisible, all the Smarts are inside the door. We have one of these and really like it. But the problem is it is not at the present time compatible with smartthings, just HomeKit, Alexa, and Google Assistant (the latter two only if you also have the Level WiFi bridge).
Also, it’s another expensive lock.
In November 2022 they said they were going to add matter compatibility, which would then give you smartthings integration, but they haven’t yet. So I’m not sure if they ever will.
But if you’re willing to work through an intermediary, like HomeKit or Alexa routines, you could use it. It’s more work to set up than the August, but once it’s set up, it would work the same.
But that choice would just be because of the aesthetics.
Otherwise, as I said, if I’m understanding the question, you could install any lock that works with smartthings, and any button that works with SmartThings , and the button should be able to lock or unlock both both doors at the same time.
Wow thats the type of solution I was looking for (and yes it’s the same as your old home with one door from a bedroom and one from a hallway).
I’m UK based but I think August supply here. They just appear to be very expensive. I’m considering adding an Alexa hub to the setup which should open up some options (like Nuki. I can’t seem to find the Level Lock in the UK, so I might be stuck with ugly solutions only).
The solution might be too expensive anyway, but I’ll keep an eye out for a black Friday deal.
Yes, for the UK Nuki would definitely be a possibility. There used to be a community built integration for them under the old architecture, I’m not sure if there’s anything available for the new, smartthings architecture or not. But again you could go through an intermediary platform.
Danalock is another UK/EU possibility that works as the same way as the August, fitting over the existing turnbolt. They do have smartthings integration.
at Vesternet
(if you get the page showing prices in US dollars, there’s a drop-down at the very bottom of the page that will let you change it back to pounds or euros.)
I think the Danalock has pretty good aesthetics for an interior door. Make sure you get the Zwave version That exactly matches the frequency of your hub. (The US and UK smartthings hubs are on different Z wave frequencies.)
The zwave version will have the best integration with smartthings, I think.