I have 5 of them already. They are ST outlets on steroids…Very, very happy with them
What is the price checker window in the original post from?
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/11275-lowes-price-checker script combined with tempermonkey (if in Chrome at least).
At this rate, my mesh will extend to the next city, if deals like this continue to show up…
Thanks for the heads up. I just ordered 5.
Grrr. I just ordered 2 yesterday on a normal sale. Going to have to return those, as I just bought 4 for the same price w/ renovo code.
I just bought 5 more of these as well. All these purchases are making me wonder … is there a limit to how many devices SmartThings will handle?
Don’t really need them for now, but in for 5!
Better get 5 instead of 4 to get the free shipping with the Renovo $10 off $50.
I just bought 4. I am thinking they will run our before they can supply all of our orders.
Sure there is… they just bumped it to 300…z-wave is natively restricted to 250 something. Zigbee, limited by ST, pretty much unlimited natively.
One order a month ago with Lowes worked with my moms credit card (feel like I’m back in college) but now I can’t order these. I tried all my credit cards, and then for giggles, had a friend, that’s never even visited Lowe’s website, try to order on his computer with his info and cc. Error 237, I think their site checks based on ISP IP location. The order I had go through was from Bozeman MT, and I’m in Wyoming, none from NY, TX, GA work.
Anyone here from Wyoming get this to work?
Move to VA quick, it worked for me
HAHAHA! I wonder how my wife would take to that. “Dear we are moving to Virginia so I can get some cheap home automation things.” “Oh that crap you keep messing up my life with? Sign here please.” FREEDOM!
Here is an extra incentive. Just tell her, hon, do you know how much these cost on Amazon?
Now, that DIDN’t work for me, but you never know…
Wow! Thanks! Not that I really needed any of these but then I realized that I still have 3 of the original Smartenit Zigbee plugs that were shipped with the original Kickstarter kits that are no longer supported because they tend to drop off the network every now and then. So, for the price of one SmartThings outlet, I get 5 of these! Sweet
my work IP address’s geolocation seems to change daily. Today it looks like Massachusetts (I’m not there) I had no problems ordering from a store in TN, GA and AZ
Oh idea, proxy vpn, will try, thank you! Assuming they don’t also compare against ship to address…
Great find. Ordered 5 and will be happy if the order actually ships!
Can anyone find conclusive evidence if the zwave chip is beaming in these babies?
I have one, and was able to set up both the zwave switch and the zigbee radio…